Module Pulseaudio

module Pulseaudio: sig .. end
An error occured.

exception Error of int
val string_of_error : int -> string
Get the description of an error.
type sample_format = 
| Sample_format_s16le
| Sample_format_s16be
| Sample_format_float32le
| Sample_format_float32be
type sample = {
   sample_format : sample_format;
   sample_rate : int;
   sample_chans : int;
type map 
type dir = 
| Dir_nodirection (*Invalid direction.*)
| Dir_playback (*Playback stream.*)
| Dir_record (*Record stream.*)
| Dir_upload (*Sample upload stream.*)
Direction of the stream.
type buffer_attr = {
   max_length : int; (*Maximum length of the buffer.*)
   target_length : int; (*Target length of the buffer (playback only).*)
   prebuffering : int; (*Pre-buffering (playback only).*)
   min_request : int; (*Minimum request (playback only).*)
   fragment_size : int; (*Fragment size (recording only).*)
Attributes of the buffer.
module Simple: sig .. end
Simple pulseaudio interface.