Module Gsl_poly

module Gsl_poly: sig .. end

type poly = float array 

Polynomial Evaluation

val eval : poly -> float -> float

Quadratic Equations

type quad_sol =
| Quad_0
| Quad_2 of float * float
val solve_quadratic : a:float -> b:float -> c:float -> quad_sol
val complex_solve_quadratic : a:float -> b:float -> c:float -> Gsl_complex.complex * Gsl_complex.complex

Cubic Equations

type cubic_sol =
| Cubic_0
| Cubic_1 of float
| Cubic_3 of float * float * float
val solve_cubic : a:float -> b:float -> c:float -> cubic_sol
val complex_solve_cubic : a:float ->
b:float ->
c:float -> Gsl_complex.complex * Gsl_complex.complex * Gsl_complex.complex

General Polynomial Equations

val solve : poly -> Gsl_complex.complex_array