module Gsl_histo: sig
.. end
t = private {
n : int ; |
range : float array ; |
bin : float array ; |
The histogram type
val check : t -> bool
Allocating histograms
val make : int -> t
val copy : t -> t
val set_ranges : t -> float array -> unit
val set_ranges_uniform : t -> xmin:float -> xmax:float -> unit
Updating and accessing histogram elements
val accumulate : t -> ?w:float -> float -> unit
val get : t -> int -> float
val get_range : t -> int -> float * float
val h_max : t -> float
val h_min : t -> float
val bins : t -> int
val reset : t -> unit
Searching histogram ranges
val find : t -> float -> int
Histograms statistics
val max_val : t -> float
val max_bin : t -> int
val min_val : t -> float
val min_bin : t -> int
val mean : t -> float
val sigma : t -> float
val sum : t -> float
Histogram operations
val equal_bins_p : t -> t -> bool
val add : t -> t -> unit
val sub : t -> t -> unit
val mul : t -> t -> unit
val div : t -> t -> unit
val scale : t -> float -> unit
val shift : t -> float -> unit
histo_pdf = private {
pdf_n : int ; |
pdf_range : float array ; |
pdf_sum : float array ; |
val init : t -> histo_pdf
val sample : histo_pdf -> float -> float