Module OBus_method

module OBus_method: sig .. end
D-Bus methods

val call : ('a, 'b) OBus_member.Method.t -> OBus_proxy.t -> 'a -> 'b Lwt.t
call meth proxy args calls the method meth on the object pointed by proxy, and wait for the reply.
val call_with_context : ('a, 'b) OBus_member.Method.t ->
OBus_proxy.t -> 'a -> (OBus_context.t * 'b) Lwt.t
call_with_context meth proxy args is like except that is also returns the context of the method return
val call_no_reply : ('a, 'b) OBus_member.Method.t -> OBus_proxy.t -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t
call_no_reply meth proxy args is the same as except that it does not wait for a reply