Module OBus_introspect

module OBus_introspect: sig .. end
D-Bus obejct introspection

type name = string 
type annotation = name * string 
type argument = name option * OBus_value.T.single 
type access = 
| Read
| Write
| Read_write (*Access mode of properties*)
type member = 
| Method of name * argument list
* argument list * annotation list
| Signal of name * argument list
* annotation list
| Property of name * OBus_value.T.single * access
* annotation list
type interface = name * member list *
annotation list
type node = OBus_path.element 
type document = interface list * node list 

Xml conversion

exception Parse_failure of Xmlm.pos * string
val input : Xmlm.input -> document
Try to read an xml document as an introspection document.
Raises Parse_failure if the parsing fail.
val output : Xmlm.output -> document -> unit
Create an xml from an introspection document

Well-known annotations

val deprecated : name
The org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated annotation
val csymbol : name
The org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol annotation
val no_reply : name
The org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply annotation
val emits_changed_signal : name
The org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal annotation