Module OBus_auth.Client

module Client: sig .. end
Client-side authentication


type mechanism_return = 
| Mech_continue of (*Continue the authentication with this response*)
| Mech_ok of (*Authentification done*)
| Mech_error of string (*Authentification failed*)
class virtual mechanism_handler : object .. end
type mechanism = {
   mech_name : string; (*Name of the mechanism*)
   mech_exec : unit -> mechanism_handler; (*Mechanism creator*)
An client-side authentication mechanism
val mech_name : mechanism -> string
mech_name projection
val mech_exec : mechanism -> unit -> mechanism_handler
mech_exec projection

Predefined mechanisms

val mech_external : mechanism
val mech_anonymous : mechanism
val mech_dbus_cookie_sha1 : mechanism
val default_mechanisms : mechanism list


val authenticate : ?capabilities:OBus_auth.capability list ->
?mechanisms:mechanism list -> ->
unit -> (OBus_address.guid * OBus_auth.capability list) Lwt.t
Launch client-side authentication on the given stream. On success it returns the unique identifier of the server address and capabilities that were successfully negotiated with the server.

Note: authenticate does not sends the initial null byte. You have to handle it before calling authenticate.

capabilities : defaults to []
mechanisms : defualts to OBus_auth.Client.default_mechanisms