Module Json_type

module Json_type: sig .. end
OCaml representation of JSON data

type json_type = 
| Object of (string * json_type) list
| Array of json_type list
| String of string
| Int of int
| Float of float
| Bool of bool
| Null
A json_type is a boolean, integer, real, string, null. It can also be lists Array or string-keyed maps Object of json_type's. The JSON payload can only be an Object or Array.

This type is used by the parsing and printing functions from the Json_io module. Typically, a program would convert such data into a specialized type that uses records, etc. For the purpose of converting from and to other types, two submodules are provided: Json_type.Browse and Json_type.Build. They are meant to be opened using either open Json_type.Browse or open Json_type.Build. They provided simple functions for converting JSON data.

type t = json_type 
t is an alias for json_type.
exception Json_error of string
Errors that are produced by the json-wheel library are represented using the Json_error exception.

Other exceptions may be raised when calling functions from the library. Either they come from the failure of external functions or like Not_found they are not errors per se, and are specifically documented.

module Browse: sig .. end
This submodule provides some simple functions for checking and reading the structure of JSON data.
module Build: sig .. end
This submodule provides some simple functions for building JSON data from other OCaml types.