Module GettextTypes

module GettextTypes: sig .. end
Types and exception of ocaml-gettext.
Author(s): Sylvain Le Gall

Core types of ocaml-gettext library

type range = Int32.t * Int32.t 
type textdomain = string 
type locale = string 
type dir = string 
type filename = string 
type codeset = string 


exception CompileProblemReadingFile of filename * string
Filename wich generates the error message str
exception CompileExtractionFailed of filename * string * int
While extracting filename the command str returns exit code i.
exception CompileExtractionInterrupted of filename * string * int
While extracting filename the command receive signal i.
exception DomainFileDoesntExist of filename list
Cannot the filename corresponding to a textdomain among the specified files.
exception FormatInconsistent of string * string
The two strings returned doesn't have the same meaning regarding Printf syntax.
exception GettextUninitialized
A part of the code try to translate a string, but ocaml-gettext is not initialized.
exception MoInvalidOptions of Lexing.lexbuf * string
There is an invalid field in the content information of a MO file.
exception MoInvalidPlurals of Lexing.lexbuf * string
The plural-form field is not correct.
exception MoInvalidContentType of Lexing.lexbuf * string
The content-type field is not correct.
exception MoInvalidTranslationSingular of string * int
A plural translation of a singular string has occured.
exception MoInvalidTranslationPlural of string list * int
An out-of-bound plural translation has occured.
exception MoJunk of string * string list
There is more plural translation than the number of plural forms.
exception MoEmptyEntry
exception MoInvalidFile
A MO corrupted file has been read.
exception MoInvalidHeaderNegativeStrings
The MO file specified a negative number of strings.
exception MoInvalidHeaderTableStringOutOfBound of range * range
Offset of the string table is out of bound.
exception MoInvalidHeaderTableTranslationOutOfBound of range * range
Offset of the translation table is out of bound.
exception MoInvalidHeaderTableTranslationStringOverlap of range * range
String and translation table overlap.
exception MoInvalidStringOutOfBound of int * int
The offset and length of a string entry leads to an access beyond the end of the MO file.
exception MoInvalidTranslationOutOfBound of int * int
The offset and length of a translation entry leads to an access beyond the end of the MO file.
exception MoCannotOpenFile of string
An error occured when trying to open a MO file.
exception PoInvalidFile of string * Lexing.lexbuf * Pervasives.in_channel
A PO file cannot be parsed.
exception PoFileInvalidIndex of string * int
When parsing a PO file, found an out of order table indices in a plural form.
exception PoFileDoesntExist of string
The PO file doesn't exist.
exception PoInconsistentMerge of string * string
Cannot merge two PO files.
exception TranslateStringNotFound of string
A string to translate cannot be found.
exception LocalePosixUnparseable of string
Cannot parse the POSIX representation of the locale.

Modules signatures

type dependencies = (textdomain * codeset option *
dir option)
module type INIT_TYPE = sig .. end