Module FileUtil

module FileUtil: sig .. end
POSIX utilities for files and directories.

A module to provide the core POSIX utilities to manipulate files and directories. All function nearly match common POSIX utilities but in rewritten OCaml.
Author(s): Sylvain Le Gall

Types and exceptions

exception SizeInvalid
exception FileDoesntExist of FilePath.filename
exception RecursiveLink of FilePath.filename
exception RmDirNotEmpty of FilePath.filename
exception RmDirNoRecurse of FilePath.filename
exception MkdirMissingComponentPath of FilePath.filename
exception MkdirDirnameAlreadyUsed of FilePath.filename
exception CpCannotCopy of FilePath.filename
exception CpNoSourceFile of FilePath.filename
exception CpCannotCopyFilesToFile of FilePath.filename list * FilePath.filename
exception CpCannotCopyDir of FilePath.filename
exception MvNoSourceFile
type action_link = 
| Follow (*We consider link as simple directory (it is dangerous)*)
| Skip (*Just skip it*)
| SkipInform of (FilePath.filename -> unit) (*Skip and execute an action*)
| AskFollow of (FilePath.filename -> bool) (*Ask and wait for input, false means skip*)
Policy concerning links which are directories
type interactive = 
| Force (*Do it anyway*)
| Ask of (FilePath.filename -> bool) (*Promp the user*)
For certain command, you should need to ask the user wether or not he wants to act.
type size = 
| TB of int64 (*Tera bytes*)
| GB of int64 (*Giga bytes*)
| MB of int64 (*Mega bytes*)
| KB of int64 (*Kilo bytes*)
| B of int64 (*Bytes*)
File size
type kind = 
| Dir
| File
| Dev_char
| Dev_block
| Fifo
| Socket
Kind of file. This set is a combination of all POSIX file, some of them doesn't exist at all on certain file system or OS.
type base_permission = {
   sticky : bool;
   exec : bool;
   write : bool;
   read : bool;
Base permission. This is the permission corresponding to one user or group.
type permission = {
   user : base_permission;
   group : base_permission;
   other : base_permission;
Full permission. All the base permissions of a file.
type stat = {
   kind : kind;
   is_link : bool;
   permission : permission;
   size : size;
   owner : int;
   group_owner : int;
   access_time : float;
   modification_time : float;
   creation_time : float;
Information about a file. This type is derived from Unix.stat
type test_file = 
| Is_dev_block (*FILE is block special*)
| Is_dev_char (*FILE is character special*)
| Is_dir (*FILE is a directory*)
| Exists (*FILE exists*)
| Is_file (*FILE is a regular file*)
| Is_set_group_ID (*FILE is set-group-ID*)
| Has_sticky_bit (*FILE has its sticky bit set*)
| Is_link (*FILE is a symbolic link*)
| Is_pipe (*FILE is a named pipe*)
| Is_readable (*FILE is readable*)
| Is_writeable (*FILE is writeable*)
| Size_not_null (*FILE has a size greater than zero*)
| Size_bigger_than of size (*FILE has a size greater than given size*)
| Size_smaller_than of size (*FILE has a size smaller than given size*)
| Size_equal_to of size (*FILE has the same size as given size*)
| Size_fuzzy_equal_to of size (*FILE has approximatively the same size as given size*)
| Is_socket (*FILE is a socket*)
| Has_set_user_ID (*FILE its set-user-ID bit is set*)
| Is_exec (*FILE is executable*)
| Is_owned_by_user_ID (*FILE is owned by the effective user ID*)
| Is_owned_by_group_ID (*FILE is owned by the effective group ID*)
| Is_newer_than of FilePath.filename (*FILE1 is newer (modification date) than FILE2*)
| Is_older_than of FilePath.filename (*FILE1 is older than FILE2*)
| Is_newer_than_date of float (*FILE is newer than given date*)
| Is_older_than_date of float (*FILE is older than given date*)
| And of test_file * test_file (*Result of TEST1 and TEST2*)
| Or of test_file * test_file (*Result of TEST1 or TEST2*)
| Not of test_file (*Result of not TEST*)
| Match of string (*Compilable match (Str or PCRE or ...)*)
| True (*Always true*)
| False (*Always false*)
| Has_extension of FilePath.extension (*Check extension*)
| Has_no_extension (*Check absence of extension*)
| Is_parent_dir (*Basename is the parent dir*)
| Is_current_dir (*Basename is the current dir*)
| Basename_is of FilePath.filename (*Check the basename*)
| Dirname_is of FilePath.filename (*Check the dirname*)
| Custom of (FilePath.filename -> bool) (*Custom operation on filename*)
Pattern you can use to test file. If the file doesn't exist the result is always false.
type touch_time_t = 
| Touch_now (*Use Unix.gettimeofday*)
| Touch_file_time of FilePath.filename (*Get mtime of file*)
| Touch_timestamp of float (*Use GMT timestamp*)
Time for file

Classical permission

val permission_of_int : int -> permission
Translate POSIX integer permission.
val int_of_permission : permission -> int
Return the POSIX integer permission

Size operation

val byte_of_size : size -> int64
Convert size to bytes
val size_add : size -> size -> size
Add two size
val size_compare : ?fuzzy:bool -> size -> size -> int
Compare two size, using the classical compare function. If fuzzy is set to true, the comparison is done on the most significant size unit of both value.
val string_of_size : ?fuzzy:bool -> size -> string
Convert a value to a string representation. If fuzzy is set to true, only consider the most significant unit

Operations on files and directories

val stat : FilePath.filename -> stat
stat fln Return information about the file (like Unix.stat)
val test : ?match_compile:(FilePath.filename -> FilePath.filename -> bool) ->
test_file -> FilePath.filename -> bool
Test a file
val pwd : unit -> FilePath.filename
Return the currend dir
val readlink : FilePath.filename -> SetFilename.elt
Resolve to the real filename removing symlink
val ls : FilePath.filename -> FilePath.filename list
List the content of a directory
val filter : test_file -> FilePath.filename list -> FilePath.filename list
Apply a filtering pattern to a filename
val which : ?path:FilePath.filename list -> FilePath.filename -> FilePath.filename
Try to find the executable in the PATH. Use environement variable PATH if none is provided
val mkdir : ?parent:bool -> ?mode:Unix.file_perm -> FilePath.filename -> unit
Create the directory which name is provided. Turn parent to true if you also want to create every topdir of the path. Use mode to provide some specific right (default 755).
val touch : ?atime:bool ->
?mtime:bool ->
?create:bool -> ?time:touch_time_t -> FilePath.filename -> unit
Modify the timestamp of the given filename.
atime : modify access time, default true
mtime : modify modification time, default true
create : if file doesn't exist, create it, default true
time : what time to set, default Touch_now
val find : ?follow:action_link ->
?match_compile:(FilePath.filename -> FilePath.filename -> bool) ->
test_file ->
FilePath.filename -> ('a -> FilePath.filename -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
find ~follow:fol tst fln exec accu Descend the directory tree starting from the given filename and using the test provided. You cannot match current_dir and parent_dir. For every file found, the action exec is done, using the accu to start. For a simple file listing, you can use find True "." (fun x y -> y :: x) []
val rm : ?force:interactive ->
?recurse:bool -> FilePath.filename list -> unit
Remove the filename provided. Turn recurse to true in order to completely delete a directory
val cp : ?follow:action_link ->
?force:interactive ->
?recurse:bool -> FilePath.filename list -> FilePath.filename -> unit
Copy the hierarchy of files/directory to another destination
val mv : ?force:interactive -> FilePath.filename -> FilePath.filename -> unit
Move files/directories to another destination
val cmp : ?skip1:int ->
FilePath.filename -> ?skip2:int -> FilePath.filename -> int option
cmp skip1 fln1 skip2 fln2 Compare files fln1 and fln2 starting at pos skip1 skip2 and returning the first octect where a difference occurs. Returns Some -1 if one of the file is not readable or if it is not a file.
val du : FilePath.filename list ->
size * (FilePath.filename * size) list
du fln_lst Return the amount of space of all the file which are subdir of fln_lst. Also return details for each file scanned

For future release : ACL related function will be handled through a plugin system to handle at runtime which attribute can be read/write (i.e. Win32 ACL, NFS acl, Linux ACL -- or none).