Index of values

(@) [ExtList]
the new implementation for ( @ ) operator, see List.append.
(@) [ExtLib]

add [RefList]
Adds an element at the end - O(n)
add [PMap]
add x y m returns a map containing the same bindings as m, plus a binding of x to y.
add [OptParse.OptParser]
Add an option to the option parser.
add [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
add [DynArray]
add darr v appends v onto darr.
add [Dllist]
add n a Creates a new node containing data a and inserts it into the list after node n.
add_buffer [UTF8.Buf]
add_buffer b1 b2 adds the contents of b2 to b1.
add_char [UTF8.Buf]
Add one Unicode character to the buffer.
add_group [OptParse.OptParser]
Add a group to the option parser.
add_sort [RefList]
Adds an element in a sorted list, using optional comparator or 'compare' as default.
add_string [UTF8.Buf]
Add the UTF-8 string to the buffer.
append [ExtList.List]
append [ExtArray.Array]
append [Enum]
append e1 e2 returns an enumeration that will enumerate over all elements of e1 followed by all elements of e2.
append [DynArray]
append src dst adds all elements of src to the end of dst.
append [Dllist]
append n a Creates a new node containing data a and inserts it into the list after node n.
assoc [ExtList.List]
assq [ExtList.List]
at_index [RefList.Index]
Return the element of ref list at the specified index raise Invalid_index if the index is outside 0 ; length-1

blit [ExtString.String]
blit [ExtArray.Array]
blit [DynArray]
blit src srcidx dst dstidx len copies len elements from src starting with index srcidx to dst starting at dstidx.

callback_option [OptParse.Opt]
Make a callback option which takes a single argument.
capitalize [ExtString.String]
cast_output [IO]
You can safely transform any output to an unit output in a safe way by using this function.
char_of [UChar]
char_of u returns the Latin-1 representation of u.
chr [UChar]
code n returns the Unicode character with the code number n.
chr_of_uint [UChar]
chr_of_uint n returns the Unicode character of the code number n.
clear [UTF8.Buf]
Empty the buffer, but retains the internal storage which was holding the contents
clear [RefList]
Removes all elements
clear [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
clear [DynArray]
remove all elements from the array and resize it to 0.
clone [Enum]
clone e creates a new enumeration that is copy of e.
clone [BitSet]
Same as copy
close_in [IO]
Close the input.
close_out [IO]
Close the output and return its accumulator data.
code [UChar]
code u returns the Unicode code number of u.
combine [ExtList.List]
compact [DynArray]
compact darr ensures that the space allocated by the array is minimal.
compare [UTF8]
Code point comparison by the lexicographic order.
compare [UChar]
compare u1 u2 returns, a value > 0 if u1 has a larger Unicode code number than u2, 0 if u1 and u2 are the same Unicode character, a value < 0 if u1 has a smaller Unicode code number than u2.
compare [ExtString.String]
compare [BitSet]
compare s1 s2 compares two bitsets.
compare_index [UTF8]
compare_index s i1 i2 returns a value < 0 if i1 is the position located before i2, 0 if i1 and i2 points the same location, a value > 0 if i1 is the position located after i2.
concat [ExtString.String]
concat [ExtList.List]
concat [ExtArray.Array]
concat [Enum]
concat e returns an enumeration over all elements of all enumerations of e.
conservative_exponential_resizer [DynArray]
conservative_exponential_resizer is an example resizer function which uses the oldlength parameter.
contains [ExtString.String]
contains_from [ExtString.String]
contents [UTF8.Buf]
contents buf returns the contents of the buffer.
copy [RefList]
Makes a copy of a ref list - O(1)
copy [ExtString.String]
copy [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
copy [ExtArray.Array]
copy [DynArray]
copy src returns a fresh copy of src, such that no modification of src affects the copy, or vice versa (all new memory is allocated for the copy).
copy [Dllist]
Copy the list attached to the given node and return the copy of the given node.
copy [BitSet]
Copy a bitset : further modifications of first one will not affect the copy.
copy_enum [RefList]
Makes a copy of a enum
copy_list [RefList]
Makes a copy of a list - O(1)
count [Enum]
count e returns the number of remaining elements in e without consuming the enumeration.
count [BitSet]
count s returns the number of bits set in the bitset s.
count_option [OptParse.StdOpt]
Create a counting option which increments its value each time the option is encountered on the command line.
create [UTF8.Buf]
create n creates a buffer with the initial size n-bytes.
create [PMap]
creates a new empty map, using the provided function for key comparison.
create [ExtString.String]
create [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
create [ExtArray.Array]
create [DynArray]
create() returns a new empty dynamic array.
create [Dllist]
Creates a node.
create [BitSet]
Create an empty bitset with an initial size (in number of bits).
create_in [IO]
Fully create an input by giving all the needed functions.
create_matrix [ExtArray.Array]
create_out [IO]
Fully create an output by giving all the needed functions.

decode [Base64]
Generic base64 decoding over an input.
decr_option [OptParse.StdOpt]
Exactly identical to count_option ~dest:dest ~increment:(-1) ().
default [Option]
default x (Some v) returns v and default x None returns x.
default_resizer [DynArray]
The default resizer function the library is using - in this version of DynArray, this is the exponential_resizer but should change in next versions.
delete [DynArray]
delete darr idx deletes the element of darr at idx.
delete_last [DynArray]
delete_last darr deletes the last element of darr.
delete_range [DynArray]
delete_range darr p len deletes len elements starting at index p.
demote [Dllist]
demote n Swaps n with prev n.
diff [BitSet]
diff s t returns s-t.
differentiate [BitSet]
differentiate s t removes the elements of t from s.
differentiate_sym [BitSet]
differentiate_sym s t sets s to the symmetrical difference of the sets s and t.
drop [ExtList.List]
drop n l returns l without the first n elements, or the empty list if l have less than n elements.
drop [Dllist]
Remove node from the list no matter where it is.
drop_bits [IO]
Drop up to 7 buffered bits and restart to next input character.
dropwhile [ExtList.List]
dropwhile f xs returns the list xs with the first elements satisfying the predicate f dropped.
dump [Std]
represent a runtime value as a string.

empty [RefList]
Returns a new empty ref list
empty [PMap]
The empty map, using compare as key comparison function.
empty [Global]
Returns an new named empty global.
empty [Enum]
The empty enumeration : contains no element
empty [DynArray]
Return true if the number of elements in the array is 0.
empty [BitSet]
Create an empty bitset of size 0, the bitset will automatically expand when needed.
encode [Base64]
Generic base64 encoding over an output.
ends_with [ExtString.String]
ends_with s x returns true if the string s is ending with x.
enum [RefList]
Returns an enumeration of current elements in the ref list
enum [PMap]
creates an enumeration for this map.
enum [ExtString.String]
Returns an enumeration of the characters of a string.
enum [ExtList.List]
Returns an enumeration of the elements of a list.
enum [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
Return an enumeration of (key,value) pairs of a hashtable.
enum [ExtArray.Array]
Returns an enumeration of the elements of an array.
enum [DynArray]
enum darr returns the enumeration of darr elements.
enum [Dllist]
Create an enum of the list.
enum [BitSet]
enum s returns an enumeration of bits which are set in the bitset s.
eq [UChar]
Equality by code point comparison
equals [BitSet]
equals s1 s2 returns true if, and only if, all bits values in s1 are the same as in s2.
error [OptParse.OptParser]
Display an error message and exit the program.
escaped [ExtString.String]
exists [RefList]
Return true if an element matches the specified predicate
exists [PMap]
same as mem.
exists [ExtString.String]
exists str sub returns true if sub is a substring of str or false otherwise.
exists [ExtList.List]
exists [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
exists h k returns true is at least one item with key k is found in the hashtable.
exists [ExtArray.Array]
exists p [a1; ...; an] checks if at least one element of the array satisfies the predicate p.
exists2 [ExtList.List]
explode [ExtString.String]
explode s returns the list of characters in the string s.
exponential_resizer [DynArray]
The exponential resizer- The default resizer except when the resizer is being copied from some other darray.

fast_count [Enum]
For users worried about the speed of count you can call the fast_count function that will give an hint about count implementation.
fast_sort [ExtList.List]
fast_sort [ExtArray.Array]
fill [OptParse.Formatter]
fill [ExtString.String]
fill [ExtArray.Array]
filter [RefList]
Remove all elements that do not match the specified predicate
filter [ExtList.List]
filter [ExtArray.Array]
filter p a returns all the elements of the array a that satisfy the predicate p.
filter [Enum]
filter f e returns an enumeration over all elements x of e such as f x returns true.
filter [DynArray]
filter_map [ExtList.List]
filter_map f l call (f a0) (f a1).... (f an) where are the elements of l.
filter_map [Enum]
filter_map f e returns an enumeration over all elements x such as f y returns Some x , where y is an element of e.
finally [Std]
finally fend f x calls f x and then fend() even if f x raised an exception.
find [RefList]
Find the first element matching the specified predicate raise Not_found if no element is found
find [PMap]
find x m returns the current binding of x in m, or raises Not_found if no such binding exists.
find [ExtString.String]
find s x returns the starting index of the string x within the string s or raises Invalid_string if x is not a substring of s.
find [ExtList.List]
find [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
find [ExtArray.Array]
find p a returns the first element of array a that satisfies the predicate p.
find [Enum]
find f e returns the first element x of e such that f x returns true, consuming the enumeration up to and including the found element, or, raises Not_found if no such element exists in the enumeration, consuming the whole enumeration in the search.
find_all [ExtList.List]
find_all [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
find_all [ExtArray.Array]
find_all is another name for ExtArray.Array.filter.
find_default [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
Find a binding for the key, and return a default value if not found
find_exc [RefList]
Same as find but takes an exception to be raised when no element is found as additional parameter
find_exc [ExtList.List]
find_exc p e l returns the first element of l such as p x returns true or raises e if such element as not been found.
find_from [ExtString.String]
find s i x returns the starting index of the string x within the string s (starting search from position i) or raises Invalid_string if no such substring exists.
find_map [ExtList.List]
find_map pred list finds the first element of list for which pred element returns Some r.
find_option [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
Find a binding for the key, or return None if no value is found
findi [ExtList.List]
findi p e l returns the first element ai of l along with its index i such that p i ai is true, or raises Not_found if no such element has been found.
findi [ExtArray.Array]
findi p a returns the index of the first element of array a that satisfies the predicate p.
first [RefList]
Returns the first element or raises Empty_list if the ref list is empty
first [ExtList.List]
Returns the first element of the list, or raise Empty_list if the list is empty (similar to hd).
flatten [ExtList.List]
float_callback [OptParse.StdOpt]
float_option [OptParse.StdOpt]
flush [IO]
Flush an output.
flush_bits [IO]
Flush remaining unwritten bits, adding up to 7 bits which values 0.
fold [PMap]
fold f m a computes (f kN dN ... (f k1 d1 a)...), where k1 ... kN are the keys of all bindings in m, and d1 ... dN are the associated data.
fold [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
fold [Enum]
fold f v e returns v if e is empty, otherwise f aN (... (f a2 (f a1 v)) ...) where a1..N are the elements of e.
fold2 [Enum]
fold2 is similar to fold but will fold over two enumerations at the same time until one of the two enumerations ends.
fold2i [Enum]
fold_left [ExtString.String]
fold_left f a s is f (... (f (f a s.[0]) s.[1]) ...) s.[n-1]
fold_left [ExtList.List]
fold_left [ExtArray.Array]
fold_left [DynArray]
fold_left f x darr computes f ( ... ( f ( f (get darr 0) x) (get darr 1) ) ... ) (get darr n-1), similar to Array.fold_left or List.fold_left.
fold_left [Dllist]
Accumulate a value over the entire list.
fold_left2 [ExtList.List]
fold_right [ExtString.String]
fold_right f s b is f s.[0] (f s.[1] (... (f s.[n-1] b) ...))
fold_right [ExtList.List]
fold_right [ExtArray.Array]
fold_right [DynArray]
fold_right f darr x computes f (get darr 0) (f (get darr 1) ( ... ( f (get darr n-1) x ) ... ) ) similar to Array.fold_right or List.fold_right.
fold_right [Dllist]
Accumulate a value over the entire list.
fold_right2 [ExtList.List]
foldi [PMap]
Same as fold, but the function receives as arguments both the key and the associated value for each binding of the map.
foldi [Enum]
for_all [RefList]
Return true if all elements match the specified predicate
for_all [ExtList.List]
for_all [ExtArray.Array]
for_all p [a1; ...; an] checks if all elements of the array satisfy the predicate p.
for_all2 [ExtList.List]
force [Enum]
force e forces the application of all lazy functions and the enumeration of all elements, exhausting the enumeration.
from [Enum]
from next creates an enumeration from the next function.
from_in_channel [IO]
from_in_chars [IO]
from_out_channel [IO]
from_out_chars [IO]

get [UTF8]
get s n returns n-th Unicode character of s.
get [Option]
get (Some x) returns x and get None raises No_value.
get [OptParse.Opt]
Get the value of an option.
get [Global]
Get the global value contents - raise Global_not_initialized if not defined.
get [ExtString.String]
get [ExtArray.Array]
get [Enum]
get e returns None if e is empty or Some x where x is the next element of e, in which case the element is removed from the enumeration.
get [DynArray]
get darr idx gets the element in darr at index idx.
get [Dllist]
Given a node, get the data associated with that node.
get_resizer [DynArray]
Get the current resizer function for a given array

hash [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
hd [RefList]
same as first
hd [ExtList.List]
Returns the first element of the list or raise Empty_list if the list is empty.
help_option [OptParse.StdOpt]
help_option () returns the standard help option which displays a usage message and exits the program when encountered on the command line.

identity [Std]
the identity function.
implode [ExtString.String]
implode cs returns a string resulting from concatenating the characters in the list cs.
incr_option [OptParse.StdOpt]
Exactly identical to count_option ~dest:dest ~increment:1 ().
indented_formatter [OptParse.Formatter]
Create an "indented" formatter with the given options.
index [RefList.Index]
Return the index (position : 0 starting) of an element in a ref list, using the specified comparator raise Not_found if no element was found
index [ExtString.String]
index_from [ExtString.String]
index_of [RefList.Index]
Return the index (position : 0 starting) of an element in a ref list, using ( = ) for testing element equality raise Not_found if no element was found
index_of [DynArray]
index_of f darr returns the index of the first element x in darr such as f x returns true or raise Not_found if not found.
inflate [Unzip]
wrap an input using "inflate" decompression algorithm.
inflate_data [Unzip]
inflate_init [Unzip]
init [UTF8]
init len f returns a new string which contains len Unicode characters.
init [ExtString.String]
init l f returns the string of length l with the chars f 0 , f 1 , f 2 ...
init [ExtList.List]
Similar to Array.init, init n f returns the list containing the results of (f 0),(f 1)....
init [ExtArray.Array]
init [Enum]
init n f creates a new enumeration over elements f 0, f 1, ..., f (n-1)
init [DynArray]
init n f returns an array of n elements filled with values returned by f 0 , f 1, ... f (n-1).
input [IO]
input i s p l reads up to l characters from the given input, storing them in string s, starting at character number p.
input_all [Std]
Return the whole contents of an input channel as a single string.
input_bits [IO]
Read bits from an input
input_channel [IO]
Create an input that will read from a channel.
input_chars [Std]
Returns an enumeration over characters of an input channel.
input_enum [IO]
Create an input that will read from an enum.
input_file [Std]
returns the data of a given filename.
input_lines [Std]
Returns an enumeration over lines of an input channel, as read by the input_line function.
input_list [Std]
Returns the list of lines read from an input channel.
input_string [IO]
Create an input that will read from a string.
insert [DynArray]
insert darr idx v inserts v into darr at index idx.
int_callback [OptParse.StdOpt]
int_callback ?metavar f returns an option which takes a single integer argument and calls f with that argument when encountered on the command line.
int_of_uchar [UChar]
Alias of uint_code
int_option [OptParse.StdOpt]
int_option ?default ?metavar () returns an option which takes a single integer argument.
inter [BitSet]
inter s t returns the intersection of sets s and t.
intersect [BitSet]
intersect s t sets s to the intersection of the sets s and t.
is_empty [RefList]
Return true if a ref list is empty
is_empty [PMap]
returns true if the map is empty.
is_empty [Enum]
is_empty e returns true if e does not contains any element.
is_none [Option]
is_none None returns true otherwise it returns false.
is_set [OptParse.Opt]
Find out if the option has a value (either by default or from the command line).
is_set [BitSet]
is_set s n returns true if nth-bit in the bitset s is set, or false otherwise.
is_some [Option]
is_some (Some x) returns true otherwise it returns false.
isdef [Global]
Return true if the global value has been set.
iter [UTF8]
iter f s applies f to all Unicode characters in s.
iter [RefList]
Apply the given function to all elements of the ref list, in respect with the order of the list
iter [PMap]
iter f m applies f to all bindings in map m.
iter [ExtString.String]
iter [ExtList.List]
iter [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
iter [ExtArray.Array]
iter [Enum]
iter f e calls the function f with each elements of e in turn.
iter [DynArray]
iter f darr calls the function f on every element of darr.
iter [Dllist]
iter f n Apply f to every element in the list, starting at n.
iter2 [ExtList.List]
iter2 [ExtArray.Array]
Array.iter2 f [|a1; ...; an|] [|b1; ...; bn|] performs calls f a1 b1; ...; f an bn in that order.
iter2 [Enum]
iter2 f e1 e2 calls the function f with the next elements of e and e2 repeatedly until one of the two enumerations ends.
iter2i [Enum]
iteri [ExtList.List]
iteri f l will call (f 0 a0);(f 1 a1) ... (f n an) where are the elements of the list l.
iteri [ExtArray.Array]
iteri [Enum]
iteri [DynArray]
iteri f darr calls the function f on every element of darr.

join [ExtString.String]
Same as concat
junk [Enum]
junk e removes the first element from the enumeration, if any.

keys [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
Return an enumeration of all the keys of a hashtable.

last [UTF8]
The position of the head of the last Unicode character.
last [RefList]
Returns the last element - O(n) or raises Empty_list if the ref list is empty
last [ExtList.List]
Returns the last element of the list, or raise Empty_list if the list is empty.
last [DynArray]
last darr returns the last element of darr.
lchop [ExtString.String]
Returns the same string but without the first character.
length [UTF8]
length s returns the number of Unicode characters contained in s
length [RefList]
Returns the number of elements - O(n)
length [ExtString.String]
length [ExtList.List]
length [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
Return the number of elements inserted into the Hashtbl (including duplicates)
length [ExtArray.Array]
length [DynArray]
Return the number of elements in the array.
length [Dllist]
Returns the length of the list.
look [UTF8]
look s i returns the Unicode character of the location i in the string s.
lowercase [ExtString.String]

make [OptParse.OptParser]
Creates a new option parser with the given options.
make [ExtString.String]
make [ExtList.List]
Similar to String.make, make n x returns a list containing n elements x.
make [ExtArray.Array]
make [Enum]
This function creates a fully defined enumeration.
make [DynArray]
make count returns an array with some memory already allocated so up to count elements can be stored into it without resizing.
make_decoding_table [Base64]
Create a valid decoding table from an encoding one.
make_matrix [ExtArray.Array]
map [RefList]
Apply a function to all elements and return the ref list constructed with the function returned values
map [PMap]
map f m returns a map with same domain as m, where the associated value a of all bindings of m has been replaced by the result of the application of f to a.
map [Option]
map f (Some x) returns Some (f x) and map None returns None.
map [ExtString.String]
map f s returns a string where all characters c in s have been replaced by f c.
map [ExtList.List]
map [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
map f x creates a new hashtable with the same keys as x, but with the function f applied to all the values
map [ExtArray.Array]
map [Enum]
map f e returns an enumeration over (f a1, f a2, ... , f aN) where a1...N are the elements of e.
map [DynArray]
map f darr applies the function f to every element of darr and creates a dynamic array from the results - similar to or
map [Dllist]
Allocate a new list, with entirely new nodes, whose values are the transforms of the values of the original list.
map2 [ExtList.List]
map2 [ExtArray.Array]
Array.map2 f [|a1; ...; an|] [|b1; ...; bn|] creates new array [|f a1 b1; ...; f an bn|].
map_default [Option]
map_default f x (Some v) returns f v and map_default f x None returns x.
map_list [RefList]
Apply a function to all elements and return the list constructed with the function returned values
mapi [PMap]
Same as map, but the function receives as arguments both the key and the associated value for each binding of the map.
mapi [ExtList.List]
mapi f l will build the list containing (f 0 a0);(f 1 a1) ... (f n an) where are the elements of the list l.
mapi [ExtArray.Array]
mapi [Enum]
mapi is similar to map except that f is passed one extra argument which is the index of the element in the enumeration, starting from 0.
mapi [DynArray]
mapi f darr applies the function f to every element of darr and creates a dynamic array from the results - similar to List.mapi or Array.mapi.
may [Option]
may f (Some x) calls f x and may f None does nothing.
mem [PMap]
mem x m returns true if m contains a binding for x, and false otherwise.
mem [ExtList.List]
mem [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
mem [ExtArray.Array]
mem m a is true if and only if m is equal to an element of a.
mem_assoc [ExtList.List]
mem_assq [ExtList.List]
memq [ExtList.List]
memq [ExtArray.Array]
Same as ExtArray.Array.mem but uses physical equality instead of structural equality to compare array elements.
merge [ExtList.List]
move [UTF8]
move s i n returns n-th Unicode character after i if n >= 0, n-th Unicode character before i if n < 0.

name [Global]
Retrieve the name of a global.
next [UTF8]
next s i returns the position of the head of the Unicode character located immediately after i.
next [Enum]
next e returns the next element of e (and removes it from enumeration).
next [Dllist]
Given a node, get the next element in the list after the node.
npop [RefList]
Removes and returns the n first elements or raises Empty_list if the ref list does not contain enough elements
nread [IO]
nread i n reads a string of size up to n from an input.
nsplit [ExtString.String]
nsplit s sep splits the string s into a list of strings which are separated by sep.
nth [UTF8]
nth s n returns the position of the n-th Unicode character.
nth [ExtList.List]
nth l n returns the n-th element of the list l or raise Invalid_index is the index is outside of l bounds.
nwrite [IO]
Write a string to an output.

of_array [DynArray]
of_array arr returns an array with the elements of arr in it in order.
of_char [UChar]
of_char c returns the Unicode character of the Latin-1 character c
of_char [ExtString.String]
Returns a string containing one given character.
of_enum [RefList]
Creates a ref list from an enumeration
of_enum [PMap]
creates a map from an enumeration, using the specified function for key comparison or compare by default.
of_enum [ExtString.String]
Creates a string from a character enumeration.
of_enum [ExtList.List]
Build a list from an enumeration.
of_enum [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
Create a hashtable from a (key,value) enumeration.
of_enum [ExtArray.Array]
Build an array from an enumeration.
of_enum [DynArray]
of_enum e returns an array that holds, in order, the elements of e.
of_enum [Dllist]
Create a dllist from an enum.
of_float [ExtString.String]
Returns the string representation of an float.
of_int [ExtString.String]
Returns the string representation of an int.
of_list [RefList]
Creates a ref list from a list - O(1)
of_list [ExtArray.Array]
of_list [DynArray]
of_list lst returns a dynamic array with the elements of lst in it in order.
of_list [Dllist]
Converts from a normal list to a Dllist and returns the first node.
opt [OptParse.Opt]
Get the value of an option as an optional value.
opt [Global]
Return None if the global is undefined, else Some v where v is the current global value contents.
out_of_range [UTF8]
out_of_range s i tests whether i is a position inside of s.
output [IO]
output o s p l writes up to l characters from string s, starting at offset p.
output_bits [IO]
Write bits to an output
output_channel [IO]
Create an output that will write into a channel.
output_enum [IO]
Create an output that will write into an enum.
output_file [Std]
creates a filename, write text into it and close it.
output_string [IO]
Create an output that will write into a string in an efficient way.
output_strings [IO]
Create an output that will write into a string in an efficient way.

parse [OptParse.OptParser]
Parse arguments as if the arguments args.(first), args.(first+1), ..., args.(last) had been given on the command line.
parse_argv [OptParse.OptParser]
Parse all the arguments in Sys.argv.
partition [ExtList.List]
partition [ExtArray.Array]
partition p a returns a pair of arrays (a1, a2), where a1 is the array of all the elements of a that satisfy the predicate p, and a2 is the array of all the elements of a that do not satisfy p.
peek [Enum]
peek e returns None if e is empty or Some x where x is the next element of e.
pipe [IO]
Create a pipe between an input and an ouput.
pop [RefList]
Removes and returns the first element or raises Empty_list if the ref list is empty
pos_in [IO]
Create an input that provide a count function of the number of bytes read from it.
pos_out [IO]
Create an output that provide a count function of the number of bytes written through it.
prepend [Dllist]
prepend n a Creates a new node containing data a and inserts it into the list before node n.
prerr_bool [Std]
Print a boolean to stderr.
prev [UTF8]
prev s i returns the position of the head of the Unicode character located immediately before i.
prev [Dllist]
Given a node, get the previous element in the list before the node.
print [Std]
print the representation of a runtime value on stdout.
print_bool [Std]
Print a boolean to stdout.
printf [IO]
The printf function works for any output.
promote [Dllist]
promote n Swaps n with next n.
push [RefList]
Adds an element at the head - O(1)
push [Enum]
push e x will add x at the beginning of e.
put [BitSet]
put s v n sets the nth-bit in the bitset s to v.

rchop [ExtString.String]
Returns the same string but without the last character.
rcontains_from [ExtString.String]
read [IO]
Read a single char from an input or raise No_more_input if no input available.
read_all [IO]
read all the contents of the input until No_more_input is raised.
read_bits [IO]
Read up to 31 bits, raise Bits_error if n < 0 or n > 31
read_byte [IO]
Read an unsigned 8-bit integer.
read_double [IO.BigEndian]
read_double [IO]
Read an IEEE double precision floating point value (64 bits).
read_float32 [IO.BigEndian]
read_float32 [IO]
Read an IEEE single precision floating point value (32 bits).
read_i16 [IO.BigEndian]
read_i16 [IO]
Read a signed 16-bit word.
read_i32 [IO.BigEndian]
read_i32 [IO]
Read a signed 32-bit integer.
read_i64 [IO.BigEndian]
read_i64 [IO]
Read a signed 64-bit integer as an OCaml int64.
read_line [IO]
Read a LF or CRLF terminated string.
read_real_i32 [IO.BigEndian]
read_real_i32 [IO]
Read a signed 32-bit integer as an OCaml int32.
read_signed_byte [IO]
Read an signed 8-bit integer.
read_string [IO]
Read a null-terminated string.
read_ui16 [IO.BigEndian]
read_ui16 [IO]
Read an unsigned 16-bit word.
really_input [IO]
really_input i s p l reads exactly l characters from the given input, storing them in the string s, starting at position p.
really_nread [IO]
really_nread i n reads a string of exactly n characters from the input.
really_output [IO]
really_output o s p l writes exactly l characters from string s onto the the output, starting with the character at offset p.
remove [RefList]
Remove an element from the ref list raise Not_found if the element is not found
remove [PMap]
remove x m returns a map containing the same bindings as m, except for x which is unbound in the returned map.
remove [ExtList.List]
remove l x returns the list l without the first element x found or returns l if no element is equal to x.
remove [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
remove [Dllist]
Remove node from the list no matter where it is.
remove_all [RefList]
Remove all elements equal to the specified element from the ref list
remove_all [ExtList.List]
remove_all l x is similar to remove but removes all elements that are equal to x and not only the first one.
remove_all [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
Remove all bindings for the given key
remove_assoc [ExtList.List]
remove_assq [ExtList.List]
remove_at [RefList.Index]
Remove the element at the specified index raise Invalid_index if the index is outside 0 ; length-1
remove_if [RefList]
Remove the first element matching the specified predicate raise Not_found if no element has been removed
remove_if [ExtList.List]
remove_if cmp l is similar to remove, but with cmp used instead of ( = ).
replace [ExtString.String]
replace ~str ~sub ~by returns a tuple constisting of a boolean and a string where the first occurrence of the string sub within str has been replaced by the string by.
replace [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
replace_chars [ExtString.String]
replace_chars f s returns a string where all chars c of s have been replaced by the string returned by f c.
reset [UTF8.Buf]
Empty the buffer and de-allocate the internal storage.
rev [RefList]
Reverses the ref list - O(n)
rev [ExtList.List]
rev [ExtArray.Array]
New functions
rev [Dllist]
List reversal.
rev_append [ExtList.List]
rev_drop [Dllist]
Remove node from the list no matter where it is.
rev_enum [Dllist]
Create a reverse enum of the list.
rev_in_place [ExtArray.Array]
In-place array reversal.
rev_map [ExtList.List]
rfind [RefList]
Find the first element in the reversed ref list matching the specified predicate raise Not_found if no element is found
rfind [ExtList.List]
rfind p l returns the last element x of l such as p x returns true or raises Not_found if such element as not been found.
rindex [ExtString.String]
rindex_from [ExtString.String]

scanf [IO]
The scanf function works for any input.
set [RefList.Index]
Change the element at the specified index raise Invalid_index if the index is outside 0 ; length-1
set [OptParse.Opt]
Set the value of an option.
set [Global]
Set the global value contents.
set [ExtString.String]
set [ExtArray.Array]
set [DynArray]
set darr idx v sets the element of darr at index idx to value v.
set [Dllist]
Given a node, set the data associated with that node.
set [BitSet]
set s n sets the nth-bit in the bitset s to true.
set_resizer [DynArray]
Change the resizer for this array.
skip [Dllist]
skip n i Return the node that is i nodes after node n in the list.
slice [ExtString.String]
slice ?first ?last s returns a "slice" of the string which corresponds to the characters s.[first], s.[first+1], ..., s[last-1].
sort [RefList]
Sort elements using the specified comparator or compare as default comparator
sort [ExtList.List]
Sort the list using optional comparator (by default compare).
sort [ExtArray.Array]
splice [Dllist]
splice n1 n2 Connects n1 and n2 so that next n1 == n2 && prev n2 == n1.
split [ExtString.String]
split s sep splits the string s between the first occurrence of sep.
split [ExtList.List]
split_nth [ExtList.List]
split_nth n l returns two lists l1 and l2, l1 containing the first n elements of l and l2 the others.
stable_sort [ExtList.List]
stable_sort [ExtArray.Array]
starts_with [ExtString.String]
starts_with s x return true if s is starting with x.
step_resizer [DynArray]
The stepwise resizer- another example of a resizer function, this time of a parameterized resizer.
store_const [OptParse.StdOpt]
store_const ?default const returns a flag option which stores the constant value const when the option is encountered on the command line.
store_false [OptParse.StdOpt]
store_false () returns an option which is set to false when it is encountered on the command line.
store_true [OptParse.StdOpt]
store_true () returns an option which is set to true when it is encountered on the command line.
str_callback [OptParse.StdOpt]
str_decode [Base64]
Decode a string encoded into Base64, raise Invalid_char if a character in the input string is not a valid one.
str_encode [Base64]
Encode a string into Base64.
str_option [OptParse.StdOpt]
string_of_char [Std]
creates a string from a char.
strip [ExtString.String]
Returns the string without the chars if they are at the beginning or at the end of the string.
sub [ExtString.String]
sub [ExtArray.Array]
sub [DynArray]
sub darr start len returns an array holding the subset of len elements from darr starting with the element at index idx.
substring [UTF8]
substring s i len returns the substring made of the Unicode locations i to i + len - 1 inclusive.
sym_diff [BitSet]
sym_diff s t returns the symmetrical difference of s and t.

take [ExtList.List]
take n l returns up to the n first elements from list l, if available.
takewhile [ExtList.List]
takewhile f xs returns the first elements of list xs which satisfy the predicate f.
titled_formatter [OptParse.Formatter]
Creates a titled formatter which is quite similar to the indented formatter.
tl [RefList]
Returns a ref list containing the same elements but without the first one or raises Empty_list if the ref list is empty
tl [ExtList.List]
Returns the list without its first elements or raise Empty_list if the list is empty.
to_array [DynArray]
to_array darr returns the elements of darr in order as an array.
to_float [ExtString.String]
Returns the float represented by the given string or raises Invalid_string if the string does not represent a float.
to_int [ExtString.String]
Returns the integer represented by the given string or raises Invalid_string if the string does not represent an integer.
to_list [RefList]
Returns the current elements as a list - O(1)
to_list [ExtArray.Array]
to_list [DynArray]
to_list darr returns the elements of darr in order as a list.
to_list [Dllist]
Converts a dllist to a normal list.
toggle [BitSet]
toggle s n changes the nth-bit value in the bitset s.
transform [RefList]
transform all elements in the ref list using a function.

uchar_of_int [UChar]
Alias of chr_of_uint
uint_code [UChar]
uint_code u returns the Unicode code number of u.
uncapitalize [ExtString.String]
undef [Global]
Reset the global value contents to undefined.
union [BitSet]
union s t return the union of sets s and t.
unique [Std]
returns an unique identifier every time it is called.
unique [ExtList.List]
unique cmp l returns the list l without any duplicate element.
unite [BitSet]
unite s t sets s to the union of the sets s and t.
unsafe_chr_of_uint [UChar]
Unsafe version of UChar.chr_of_uint.
unsafe_get [ExtArray.Array]
unsafe_get [DynArray]
unsafe_set [ExtArray.Array]
unsafe_set [DynArray]
unset [BitSet]
unset s n sets the nth-bit in the bitset s to false.
uppercase [ExtString.String]
usage [OptParse.OptParser]
Display the usage message to the channel chn (default is Pervasives.stdout) and return.

validate [UTF8]
validate s Succeeds if s is valid UTF-8, otherwise raises Malformed_code.
value_option [OptParse.Opt]
Make an option which takes a single argument.
values [ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl]
Return an enumeration of all the values of a hashtable.
version_option [OptParse.StdOpt]
version_option f returns the standard version option which displays the string returned by f () (and nothing else) on standard output and exits.

wrap [OptParse.Formatter]
wrap text width reflows the given text paragraph into lines of width at most width (lines may exceed this if the are single words that exceed this limit).
write [IO]
Write a single char to an output.
write_bits [IO]
Write up to 31 bits represented as a value, raise Bits_error if nbits < 0 or nbits > 31 or the value representation excess nbits.
write_byte [IO]
Write an unsigned 8-bit byte.
write_double [IO.BigEndian]
write_double [IO]
Write an IEEE double precision floating point value (64 bits).
write_float32 [IO.BigEndian]
write_float32 [IO]
Write an IEEE single precision floating point value (32 bits).
write_i16 [IO.BigEndian]
write_i16 [IO]
Write a signed 16-bit word.
write_i32 [IO.BigEndian]
write_i32 [IO]
Write a signed 32-bit integer.
write_i64 [IO.BigEndian]
write_i64 [IO]
Write an OCaml int64.
write_line [IO]
Write a line and append a LF (it might be converted to CRLF on some systems depending on the underlying IO).
write_real_i32 [IO.BigEndian]
write_real_i32 [IO]
Write an OCaml int32.
write_string [IO]
Write a string and append an null character.
write_ui16 [IO.BigEndian]
write_ui16 [IO]
Write an unsigned 16-bit word.