Module RefList.Index

module Index: sig .. end
Functions that operate on the ith element of a list.

While it is sometimes necessary to perform these operations on lists (hence their inclusion here), the functions were moved to an inner module to prevent their overuse: all functions work in O(n) time. You might prefer to use Array or DynArray for constant time indexed element access.

val index_of : 'a RefList.t -> 'a -> int
Return the index (position : 0 starting) of an element in a ref list, using ( = ) for testing element equality raise Not_found if no element was found
val index : ('a -> bool) -> 'a RefList.t -> int
Return the index (position : 0 starting) of an element in a ref list, using the specified comparator raise Not_found if no element was found
val at_index : 'a RefList.t -> int -> 'a
Return the element of ref list at the specified index raise Invalid_index if the index is outside 0 ; length-1
val set : 'a RefList.t -> int -> 'a -> unit
Change the element at the specified index raise Invalid_index if the index is outside 0 ; length-1
val remove_at : 'a RefList.t -> int -> unit
Remove the element at the specified index raise Invalid_index if the index is outside 0 ; length-1