Module ExpectPcre

module ExpectPcre: sig .. end
Extend Expect module with Pcre matches.

This module extends Expect.expect to also handle Pcre regular expression. You can use either `Pat or `Rex, which will be passed to Pcre.pmatch.

open Expect
open ExpectPcre

let (), _ =
  with_spawn "ls" [| "-alh" |]
  (fun t () ->
    if expect t [`Pat "\\.", true] false then
      prerr_endline "'.' found")

Author(s): Sylvain Le Gall

val expect : Expect.t ->
?fmatches:(string -> 'a option) list ->
([< `Contains of string
| `Eof
| `Exact of string
| `Fun of string -> bool
| `Pat of string
| `Prefix of string
| `Rex of Pcre.regexp
| `Suffix of string
| `Timeout ] *
list -> 'a -> 'a
See Expect.expect.