Module DBus.Bus

module Bus: sig .. end

type ty = 
| Session
| System
| Starter
type flags = 
| Replace_existing
type grab_flag = 
| AllowReplacement
| ReplaceExisting
| DoNotQueue
type request_reply = 
| PrimaryOwner
| InQueue
| Exists
| AlreadyOwner
| ReqUnknown of int
type release_reply = 
| Released
| NonExistent
| NotOwner
| RelUnknown of int
val get : ty -> DBus.bus
val get_private : ty -> DBus.bus
val register : DBus.bus -> unit
val set_unique_name : DBus.bus -> string -> bool
val get_unique_name : DBus.bus -> string
val request_name : DBus.bus -> string -> grab_flag list -> request_reply
val release_name : DBus.bus -> string -> release_reply
val has_owner : DBus.bus -> string -> bool
val add_match : DBus.bus -> string -> bool -> unit
val remove_match : DBus.bus -> string -> bool -> unit