class group :object
The basic usage is to have only one group and one configuration file,
but this mechanism allows to have more,
for instance to have another smaller group for the options to pass on the command line.
method add : 'a. 'a cp -> unit
must be lost
to allow cps of different types to belong to the same group.Double_name
if cp#get_name
is already used.method write : ?with_help:bool -> string -> unit
write filename
saves all the cps into the configuration file filename
.method read : ?obsoletes:string ->
?no_default:bool ->
?on_type_error:(groupable_cp ->
Raw.cp ->
(Pervasives.out_channel -> unit) ->
string -> Pervasives.in_channel -> unit) ->
string -> unit
read filename
reads filename
and stores the values it specifies into the cps belonging to this group.
The file is created (and not read) if it doesn't exists.
In the default behaviour, no warning is issued
if not all cps are updated or if some values of filename
aren't used.
If obsoletes
is specified,
then prints in this file all the values that are
in filename
but not in this group.
Those cps are likely to be erroneous or obsolete.
Opens this file only if there is something to write in it.
If no_default
is true
, then raises Missing_cp foo
the cp foo
isn't defined in filename
but belongs to this group.
on_type_error groupable_cp value output filename in_channel
is called if the file doesn't give suitable value
(string instead of int for instance, or a string not belonging to the expected enumeration)
for the cp groupable_cp
is the value read from the file,
is the argument of Config_file.Wrong_type
is the same argument as the one given to read,
and in_channel
refers to filename
to allow a function to close it if needed.
Default behaviour is to print an error message and call exit 1
method read_string : ?obsoletes:string ->
?no_default:bool ->
?on_type_error:(groupable_cp ->
Raw.cp ->
(Pervasives.out_channel -> unit) -> string -> unit) ->
string -> unit
read_string string
reads the content of string
and stores the values it specifies into the cps belonging to this group.
This method behaves just like read for the others aspects.
method command_line_args : section_separator:string -> (string * Arg.spec * string) list
and Arg.usage
: the string used to concatenate the name of a cp,
to get the command line option name.
is a good default.