Module CamomileLibrary.Type.UText

module UText: sig .. end

An implementation of Unicode string.

An implementation of Unicode string. Internally, it uses integer array. The semantics matches the description of UStorage.
type mutability = [ `Immutable | `Mutable ] 
Phantom type for distinguishing mutability
type 'a text 
type utext = [ `Immutable ] text 
type ustring = [ `Mutable ] text 
type t = utext 
val utext_of_ustring : ustring -> utext
val ustring_of_utext : utext -> ustring
val get : 'a text -> int -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t
val set : ustring ->
int -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> unit
set s i u sets the i-th character in s to u.
type index 
val look : 'a text ->
index -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t
val nth : 'a text -> int -> index
val first : 'a text -> index
val last : 'a text -> index
val out_of_range : 'a text ->
index -> bool
val compare_index : 'a text ->
index -> index -> int
val next : 'a text ->
index -> index
val prev : 'a text ->
index -> index
val move : 'a text ->
index -> int -> index
val length : 'a text -> int
val of_string : string -> utext
Conversion from Latin-1 strings.
val init : int ->
(int -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t) -> utext
val init_ustring : int ->
(int -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t) -> ustring
val make : int -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> ustring
The semantics of these function are similar to the equivalents of string.
val copy : ustring -> ustring
val sub : 'a text ->
int -> int -> 'a text
val fill : ustring ->
int -> int -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> unit
val blit : 'a text ->
int -> ustring -> int -> int -> unit
val append : 'a text ->
'b text -> 'a text
val iter : (CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> unit) ->
'a text -> unit
val compare : 'a text ->
'b text -> int
module Buf: sig .. end