Module CamomileLibrary.Type.USet

module USet: sig .. end

Sets of Unicode characters, implemented as sets of intervals. The signature is mostly same to Set.S in stdlib
type t 
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val mem : CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> t -> bool
val add : CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t ->
t -> t
val add_range : CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t ->
CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t ->
t -> t
add_range u1 u2 s adds the characters in the range u1 - u2 to s. The range is determined by the code point order.
val singleton : CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> t
val remove : CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t ->
t -> t
val remove_range : CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t ->
CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t ->
t -> t
remove_range u1 u2 s removes the characters in the range u1 - u2 from s. The range is determined by the code point order.
val union : t ->
t -> t
val inter : t ->
t -> t
val diff : t ->
t -> t
val compl : t -> t
compl s returns the compliment of s.
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val subset : t -> t -> bool
val from : CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t ->
t -> t
from u s returns the set of elements of s whose code points are equal or greater than u.
val after : CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t ->
t -> t
after u s returns the set of elements of s whose code points are greater than u.
val until : CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t ->
t -> t
until u s returns the set of elements of s whose code points are equal or smaller than u.
val before : CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t ->
t -> t
until u s returns the set of elements of s whose code points are smaller than u.
val iter : (CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val iter_range : (CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> unit) ->
t -> unit
iter_range proc s feeds the intervals contained in s to proc in increasing order. The intervals given to proc are always separated by the character not in s.
val fold : (CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> 'a -> 'a) ->
t -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_range : (CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> 'a -> 'a) ->
t -> 'a -> 'a
fold_range f s x is equivalent to f u_i u_(i+1) (... (f u_3 u_4 (f u_1 u_2 x))) if s is consisted of the intervals u1-u2, u3-u4, ..., u_i-u_(i + 1) in increasing order. The intervals given to proc are always separated by the character not in s.
val for_all : (CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
val exists : (CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> bool
val filter : (CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> bool) ->
t -> t
val partition : (CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t -> bool) ->
t ->
t * t
val cardinal : t -> int
val elements : t -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t list
val ranges : t ->
(CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t * CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t) list
The list of the intervals contained in the set. The returned intervals are always separated by the character not in s.
val min_elt : t -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t
val max_elt : t -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t
val choose : t -> CamomileLibrary.Type.UChar.t
Returns a element roughly in the middle of the set. It is not guaranteed to return the same element for the sets with the same elements
val uset_of_iset : ISet.t -> t
val iset_of_uset : t -> ISet.t