Module type CamomileLibrary.Type.URe.Type

module type Type = sig .. end

type text 
type index 
type compiled_regexp 
module SubText: CamomileLibrary.Type.SubText.Type  with type ur_text = text and type ur_index = index
val compile : CamomileLibrary.Type.URe.regexp ->
Compile regular expressions.
val regexp_match : ?sem:CamomileLibrary.Type.URe.match_semantics ->
compiled_regexp ->
text ->
index ->
SubText.t option array option
regexp_match ?sem r t i tries matching r and substrings of t beginning from i. If match successes, Some g is returned where g is the array containing the matched string of n-th group in the n-element. The matched string of the whole r is stored in the 0-th element. If matching fails, None is returned.
val string_match : compiled_regexp ->
text ->
index -> bool
string_match r t i tests whether r can match a substring of t beginning from i.
val search_forward : ?sem:CamomileLibrary.Type.URe.match_semantics ->
compiled_regexp ->
text ->
index ->
SubText.t option array option
search_forward ?sem r t i searches a substring of t matching r from i. The returned value is similar to CamomileLibrary.Type.URe.Type.regexp_match.