Index of values

add_bit [Bitstring.Buffer]
add_bits [Bitstring.Buffer]
add_byte [Bitstring.Buffer]

bitstring_length [Bitstring]
bitstring_length bitstring returns the length of the bitstring in bits.
bitstring_of_chan [Bitstring]
bitstring_of_chan chan loads the contents of the input channel chan as a bitstring.
bitstring_of_chan_max [Bitstring]
bitstring_of_chan_max chan max works like Bitstring.bitstring_of_chan but will only read up to max bytes from the channel (or fewer if the end of input occurs before that).
bitstring_of_file [Bitstring]
bitstring_of_file filename loads the named file into a bitstring.
bitstring_of_file_descr [Bitstring]
bitstring_of_file_descr fd loads the contents of the file descriptor fd as a bitstring.
bitstring_of_file_descr_max [Bitstring]
bitstring_of_file_descr_max fd max works like Bitstring.bitstring_of_file_descr but will only read up to max bytes from the channel (or fewer if the end of input occurs before that).
bitstring_of_string [Bitstring]
bitstring_of_string str creates a bitstring of length String.length str * 8 (bits) containing the bits in str.
bitstring_to_chan [Bitstring]
bitstring_to_file bits filename writes the bitstring bits to the channel chan.
bitstring_to_file [Bitstring]
bitstring_to_file bits filename writes the bitstring bits to the file filename.

clear [Bitstring]
clear bits n sets the nth bit in the bitstring to 0.
compare [Bitstring]
compare bs1 bs2 compares two bitstrings and returns zero if they are equal, a negative number if bs1 < bs2, or a positive number if bs1 > bs2.
concat [Bitstring]
Concatenate a list of bitstrings together into a single bitstring.
contents [Bitstring.Buffer]
create [Bitstring.Buffer]
create_bitstring [Bitstring]
create_bitstring n creates an n bit bitstring containing all zeroes.
create_constructor_field [Bitstring_persistent]
Create a constructor field.
create_pattern_field [Bitstring_persistent]
Create a pattern field.

debug [Bitstring]
Set this variable to true to enable extended debugging.
dropbits [Bitstring]
Drop the first n bits of the bitstring and return a new bitstring which is shorter by n bits.

empty_bitstring [Bitstring]
empty_bitstring is the empty, zero-length bitstring.
equals [Bitstring]
equals returns true if and only if the two bitstrings are semantically equal.

get [Bitstring]
get bits n returns the nth bit (returns non-zero or 0).
get_bind [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the bind expression of a field, or None if there is none.
get_check [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the check expression of a field, or None if there is none.
get_endian [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the endianness of a field.
get_expr [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the expression from an expression field.
get_length [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the length in bits from a field.
get_location [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the source code location of a field.
get_offset [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the offset expression of a field, or None if there is none.
get_patt [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the pattern from a pattern field.
get_save_offset_to [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the save_offset_to pattern of a field, or None if there is none.
get_signed [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the signedness of a field.
get_type [Bitstring_persistent]
Get the type of a field, Int, String or Bitstring.

hexdump_bitstring [Bitstring]
hexdump_bitstring chan bitstring prints the bitstring to the output channel in a format similar to the Unix command hexdump -C.

is_clear [Bitstring]
is_clear bits n is true if the nth bit is set to 0.
is_ones_bitstring [Bitstring]
Tests if the bitstring is all one bits (cf.
is_set [Bitstring]
is_set bits n is true if the nth bit is set to 1.
is_zeroes_bitstring [Bitstring]
Tests if the bitstring is all zero bits (cf.

make_bitstring [Bitstring]
make_bitstring n c creates an n bit bitstring containing the repeated 8 bit pattern in c.

named_from_channel [Bitstring_persistent]
Load a pattern/constructor from an output channel.
named_from_string [Bitstring_persistent]
Load a pattern/constructor from a string at offset within the string.
named_to_buffer [Bitstring_persistent]
Serialize a pattern/constructor to part of a string, return the length.
named_to_channel [Bitstring_persistent]
Save a pattern/constructor to an output channel.
named_to_string [Bitstring_persistent]
Serialize a pattern/constructor to a string.

ones_bitstring [Bitstring]
ones_bitstring creates an n bit bitstring of all 1's.

package [Bitstring]
The package name, always "ocaml-bitstring"
put [Bitstring]
put bits n v sets the nth bit in the bitstring to 1 if v is not zero, or to 0 if v is zero.

set [Bitstring]
set bits n sets the nth bit in the bitstring to 1.
set_bind [Bitstring_persistent]
Set the bind-expression for a field to the given expression.
set_check [Bitstring_persistent]
Set the check expression for a field to the given expression.
set_endian [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the endianness of a field to the constant endianness.
set_endian_expr [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the endianness of a field to an endianness expression.
set_expr [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the expression field to an arbitrary OCaml expression.
set_int_expr [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the expression to the value of the integer.
set_int_patt [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the pattern field to the pattern which matches an integer.
set_length [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the length in bits of a field to an OCaml expression.
set_length_int [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the length in bits of a field to a constant integer.
set_lident_expr [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the expression in a constructor field to an expression which uses the identifier.
set_lident_patt [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the pattern to the pattern binding an identifier given in the string.
set_location [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the source code location of a field.
set_no_bind [Bitstring_persistent]
Remove the bind-expression from a field.
set_no_check [Bitstring_persistent]
Remove the check expression from a field.
set_no_offset [Bitstring_persistent]
Remove the offset expression from a field.
set_no_save_offset_to [Bitstring_persistent]
Remove the save_offset_to from a field.
set_offset [Bitstring_persistent]
Set the offset expression for a field to the given expression.
set_offset_int [Bitstring_persistent]
Set the offset expression for a field to the given number.
set_patt [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the pattern field to an arbitrary OCaml pattern match.
set_save_offset_to [Bitstring_persistent]
Set the save_offset_to pattern for a field to the given pattern.
set_save_offset_to_lident [Bitstring_persistent]
Set the save_offset_to pattern for a field to identifier.
set_signed [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the signedness of a field to a constant signedness.
set_string_expr [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the expression to the value of the string.
set_string_patt [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the pattern field to the pattern which matches a string.
set_type_bitstring [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the type of a field to bitstring.
set_type_int [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the type of a field to int.
set_type_string [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the type of a field to string.
set_unbound_patt [Bitstring_persistent]
Sets the pattern field to the unbound pattern (usually written _).
string_of_bitstring [Bitstring]
string_of_bitstring bitstring converts a bitstring to a string (eg.
string_of_constructor [Bitstring_persistent]
string_of_constructor_field [Bitstring_persistent]
Convert patterns, constructors or individual fields into printable strings for debugging purposes.
string_of_endian [Bitstring]
string_of_pattern [Bitstring_persistent]
string_of_pattern_field [Bitstring_persistent]
subbitstring [Bitstring]
subbitstring bits off len returns a sub-bitstring of the bitstring, starting at offset off bits and with length len bits.

takebits [Bitstring]
Take the first n bits of the bitstring and return a new bitstring which is exactly n bits long.

version [Bitstring]
The package version as a string.

zeroes_bitstring [Bitstring]
zeroes_bitstring creates an n bit bitstring of all 0's.