Module Bitstring_persistent

module Bitstring_persistent: sig .. end
Bitstring persistent patterns.

Warning: This documentation is for ADVANCED USERS ONLY. If you are not an advanced user, you are probably looking for the Bitstring documentation.

Jump straight to the reference section for documentation on types and functions.


Bitstring allows you to name sets of fields and reuse them elsewhere. For example if you frequently need to parse Pascal-style strings in the form length byte + string, then you could name the { strlen : 8 : int; str : strlen*8 : string } pattern and reuse it everywhere by name.

These are called persistent patterns.

The basic usage is:

(* Create a persistent pattern called 'pascal_string' which
 matches Pascal-style strings (length byte + string).
let bitmatch pascal_string =
  { strlen : 8 : int;
    str : strlen*8 : string }

let is_pascal_string bits =
  bitmatch bits with
  | { :pascal_string } ->
    printf "matches a Pascal string %s, len %d bytes\n"
      str strlen


(* Load a persistent pattern from a file. *)
open bitmatch "pascal.bmpp"

let is_pascal_string bits =
  bitmatch bits with
  | { :pascal_string } ->
    printf "matches a Pascal string %s, len %d bytes\n"
      str strlen

Important notes

There are some important things you should know about persistent patterns before you decide to use them:

'Persistent' refers to the fact that they can be saved into binary files. However these binary files use OCaml Marshal module and depend (sometimes) on the version of OCaml used to generate them and (sometimes) the version of bitstring used. So your build system should rebuild these files from source when your code is rebuilt.

Persistent patterns are syntactic. They work in the same way as cutting and pasting (or #include-ing) code. For example if a persistent pattern binds a field named len, then any uses of len following in the surrounding pattern could be affected.

Programs which generate and manipulate persistent patterns have to link to camlp4. Since camlp4 in OCaml >= 3.10 is rather large, we have placed this code into this separate submodule, so that programs which just use bitstring don't need to pull in the whole of camlp4. This restriction does not apply to code which only uses persistent patterns but does not generate them. If the distinction isn't clear, use ocamlobjinfo to look at the dependencies of your *.cmo files.

Persistent patterns can be generated in several ways, but they can only be used by the pa_bitstring syntax extension. This means they are purely compile-time constructs. You cannot use them to make arbitrary patterns and run those patterns (not unless your program runs ocamlc to make a *.cmo file then dynamically links to the *.cmo file).

Named patterns

A named pattern is a way to name a pattern and use it later in the same source file. To name a pattern, use:

let bitmatch name = { fields ... } ;;

and you can then use the name later on inside another pattern, by prefixing the name with a colon. For example:

bitmatch bits with { :name } -> ...

You can nest named patterns within named patterns to any depth.

Currently the use of named patterns is somewhat limited. The restrictions are:

Named patterns can only be used within the same source file, and the names occupy a completely separate namespace from anything else in the source file.

The let bitmatch syntax only works at the top level. We may add a let bitmatch ... in for inner levels later.

Because you cannot rename the bound identifiers in named patterns, you can effectively only use them once in a pattern. For example, { :name; :name } is legal, but any bindings in the first name would be overridden by the second name.

There are no "named constructors" yet, but the machinery is in place to do this, and we may add them later.

Persistent patterns in files

More useful than just naming patterns, you can load persistent patterns from external files. The patterns in these external files can come from a variety of sources: for example, in the cil-tools subdirectory are some Cil-based tools for importing C structures from header files. You can also generate your own files or write your own tools, as described below.

To use the persistent pattern(s) from a file do:

open bitmatch "filename.bmpp" ;;

A list of zero or more Bitstring_persistent.named patterns are read from the file and each is bound to a name (as contained in the file), and then the patterns can be used with the usual :name syntax described above.


The standard extension is .bmpp. This is just a convention and you can use any extension you want.

Directory search order

If the filename is an absolute or explicit path, then we try to load it from that path and stop if it fails. See the Filename module in the standard OCaml library for the definitions of "absolute path" and "explicit path". Otherwise we use the following directory search order:


The bitstring-objinfo command can be run on a file in order to print out the patterns in the file.


We haven't implemented persistent constructors yet, although the machinery is in place to make this happen. Any constructors found in the file are ignored.

Creating your own persistent patterns

If you want to write a tool to import bitstrings from an exotic location or markup language, you will need to use the functions found in the reference section.

I will describe using an example here of how you would programmatically create a persistent pattern which matches Pascal-style "length byte + data" strings. Firstly note that there are two fields, so our pattern will be a list of length 2 and type Bitstring_persistent.pattern.

You will need to create a camlp4 location object (Loc.t) describing the source file. This source file is used to generate useful error messages for the user, so you may want to set it to be the name and location in the file that your tool reads for input. By convention, locations are bound to name _loc:

   let _loc = Loc.move_line 42 ( "input.xml")

Create a pattern field representing a length field which is 8 bits wide, bound to the identifier len:

   let len_field = create_pattern_field _loc
   let len_field = set_length_int len_field 8
   let len_field = set_lident_patt len_field "len"

Create a pattern field representing a string of len*8 bits. Note that the use of <:expr< >> quotation requires you to preprocess your source with camlp4of (see this page on Reflective OCaml).

   let str_field = create_pattern_field _loc
   let str_field = set_length str_field <:expr< len*8 >>
   let str_field = set_lident_patt str_field "str"
   let str_field = set_type_string str_field

Join the two fields together and name it:

   let pattern = [len_field; str_field]
   let named_pattern = "pascal_string", Pattern pattern

Save it to a file:

   let chan = open_out "output.bmpp" in
   named_to_channel chan named_pattern;
   close_out chan

You can now use this pattern in another program like this:

   open bitmatch "output.bmpp" ;;
   let parse_pascal_string bits =
   bitmatch bits with
   | { :pascal_string } -> str, len
   | { _ } -> invalid_arg "not a Pascal string"

You can write more than one named pattern to the output file, and they will all be loaded at the same time by open bitmatch ".." (obviously you should give each pattern a different name). To do this, just call Bitstring_persistent.named_to_channel as many times as needed.



type patt = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.patt 
type expr = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.expr 
type loc_t = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.Loc.t 
Just short names for the camlp4 types.
type 'a field 
A field in a persistent pattern or persistent constructor.
type pattern = patt field list 
A persistent pattern (used in bitmatch operator), is just a list of pattern fields.
type constructor = expr field list 
A persistent constructor (used in BITSTRING operator), is just a list of constructor fields.
type named = string * alt 
type alt = 
| Pattern of pattern (*Pattern*)
| Constructor of constructor (*Constructor*)
A named pattern or constructor.

The name is used when binding a pattern from a file, but is otherwise ignored.


val string_of_pattern : pattern -> string
val string_of_constructor : constructor -> string
val string_of_pattern_field : patt field -> string
val string_of_constructor_field : expr field -> string
Convert patterns, constructors or individual fields into printable strings for debugging purposes.

The strings look similar to the syntax used by bitmatch, but some things cannot be printed fully, eg. length expressions.


val named_to_channel : Pervasives.out_channel -> named -> unit
Save a pattern/constructor to an output channel.
val named_to_string : named -> string
Serialize a pattern/constructor to a string.
val named_to_buffer : string -> int -> int -> named -> int
Serialize a pattern/constructor to part of a string, return the length.
val named_from_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> named
Load a pattern/constructor from an output channel.

Note: This is not type safe. The pattern/constructor must have been written out under the same version of OCaml and the same version of bitstring.

val named_from_string : string -> int -> named
Load a pattern/constructor from a string at offset within the string.

Note: This is not type safe. The pattern/constructor must have been written out under the same version of OCaml and the same version of bitstring.

Create pattern fields

These fields are used in pattern matches (bitmatch).

val create_pattern_field : loc_t ->
patt field
Create a pattern field.

The pattern is unbound, the type is set to int, bit length to 32, endianness to BigEndian, signedness to unsigned (false), source code location to the _loc parameter, and no offset expression.

To create a complete field you need to call the set_* functions. For example, to create { len : 8 : int } you would do:

    let field = create_pattern_field _loc in
    let field = set_lident_patt field "len" in
    let field = set_length_int field 8 in

val set_lident_patt : patt field ->
string -> patt field
Sets the pattern to the pattern binding an identifier given in the string.

The effect is that the field { len : 8 : int } could be created by calling set_lident_patt field "len".

val set_int_patt : patt field ->
int -> patt field
Sets the pattern field to the pattern which matches an integer.

The effect is that the field { 2 : 8 : int } could be created by calling set_int_patt field 2.

val set_string_patt : patt field ->
string -> patt field
Sets the pattern field to the pattern which matches a string.

The effect is that the field { "MAGIC" : 8*5 : string } could be created by calling set_int_patt field "MAGIC".

val set_unbound_patt : patt field ->
patt field
Sets the pattern field to the unbound pattern (usually written _).

The effect is that the field { _ : 8 : int } could be created by calling set_unbound_patt field.

val set_patt : patt field ->
patt ->
patt field
Sets the pattern field to an arbitrary OCaml pattern match.
val set_length_int : 'a field -> int -> 'a field
Sets the length in bits of a field to a constant integer.

The effect is that the field { len : 8 : string } could be created by calling set_length field 8.

val set_length : 'a field ->
expr -> 'a field
Sets the length in bits of a field to an OCaml expression.

The effect is that the field { len : 2*i : string } could be created by calling set_length field <:expr< 2*i >>.

val set_endian : 'a field ->
Bitstring.endian -> 'a field
Sets the endianness of a field to the constant endianness.

The effect is that the field { _ : 16 : bigendian } could be created by calling set_endian field Bitstring.BigEndian.

val set_endian_expr : 'a field ->
expr -> 'a field
Sets the endianness of a field to an endianness expression.

The effect is that the field { _ : 16 : endian(e) } could be created by calling set_endian_expr field e.

val set_signed : 'a field -> bool -> 'a field
Sets the signedness of a field to a constant signedness.

The effect is that the field { _ : 16 : signed } could be created by calling set_signed field true.

val set_type_int : 'a field -> 'a field
Sets the type of a field to int.

The effect is that the field { _ : 16 : int } could be created by calling set_type_int field.

val set_type_string : 'a field -> 'a field
Sets the type of a field to string.

The effect is that the field { str : 16 : string } could be created by calling set_type_string field.

val set_type_bitstring : 'a field -> 'a field
Sets the type of a field to bitstring.

The effect is that the field { _ : 768 : bitstring } could be created by calling set_type_bitstring field.

val set_location : 'a field ->
loc_t -> 'a field
Sets the source code location of a field. This is used when pa_bitstring displays error messages.
val set_offset_int : 'a field -> int -> 'a field
Set the offset expression for a field to the given number.

The effect is that the field { _ : 8 : offset(160) } could be created by calling set_offset_int field 160.

val set_offset : 'a field ->
expr -> 'a field
Set the offset expression for a field to the given expression.

The effect is that the field { _ : 8 : offset(160) } could be created by calling set_offset_int field <:expr< 160 >>.

val set_no_offset : 'a field -> 'a field
Remove the offset expression from a field. The field will follow the previous field, or if it is the first field will be at offset zero.
val set_check : 'a field ->
expr -> 'a field
Set the check expression for a field to the given expression.
val set_no_check : 'a field -> 'a field
Remove the check expression from a field.
val set_bind : 'a field ->
expr -> 'a field
Set the bind-expression for a field to the given expression.
val set_no_bind : 'a field -> 'a field
Remove the bind-expression from a field.
val set_save_offset_to : 'a field ->
patt -> 'a field
Set the save_offset_to pattern for a field to the given pattern.
val set_save_offset_to_lident : 'a field -> string -> 'a field
Set the save_offset_to pattern for a field to identifier.
val set_no_save_offset_to : 'a field -> 'a field
Remove the save_offset_to from a field.

Create constructor fields

These fields are used in constructors (BITSTRING).

val create_constructor_field : loc_t ->
expr field
Create a constructor field.

The defaults are the same as for Bitstring_persistent.create_pattern_field except that the expression is initialized to 0.

val set_lident_expr : expr field ->
string -> expr field
Sets the expression in a constructor field to an expression which uses the identifier.

The effect is that the field { len : 8 : int } could be created by calling set_lident_expr field "len".

val set_int_expr : expr field ->
int -> expr field
Sets the expression to the value of the integer.

The effect is that the field { 2 : 8 : int } could be created by calling set_int_expr field 2.

val set_string_expr : expr field ->
string -> expr field
Sets the expression to the value of the string.

The effect is that the field { "MAGIC" : 8*5 : string } could be created by calling set_int_expr field "MAGIC".

val set_expr : expr field ->
expr ->
expr field
Sets the expression field to an arbitrary OCaml expression.


val get_patt : patt field ->
Get the pattern from a pattern field.
val get_expr : expr field ->
Get the expression from an expression field.
val get_length : 'a field -> expr
Get the length in bits from a field. Note that what is returned is an OCaml expression, since lengths can be non-constant.
type endian_expr = 
| ConstantEndian of Bitstring.endian
| EndianExpr of expr
val get_endian : 'a field -> endian_expr
Get the endianness of a field. This is an Bitstring_persistent.endian_expr which could be a constant or an OCaml expression.
val get_signed : 'a field -> bool
Get the signedness of a field.
type field_type = 
| Int
| String
| Bitstring
val get_type : 'a field -> field_type
Get the type of a field, Int, String or Bitstring.
val get_location : 'a field -> loc_t
Get the source code location of a field.
val get_offset : 'a field -> expr option
Get the offset expression of a field, or None if there is none.
val get_check : 'a field -> expr option
Get the check expression of a field, or None if there is none.
val get_bind : 'a field -> expr option
Get the bind expression of a field, or None if there is none.
val get_save_offset_to : 'a field -> patt option
Get the save_offset_to pattern of a field, or None if there is none.