Index of values

add_char [Bi_outbuf]
Add a byte to the buffer.
add_char2 [Bi_outbuf]
Add two bytes to the buffer.
add_char4 [Bi_outbuf]
Add four bytes to the buffer.
add_string [Bi_outbuf]
Add a string to the buffer.
add_substring [Bi_outbuf]
add_substring dst src srcpos len copies len bytes from string src to buffer dst starting from position srcpos.
alloc [Bi_outbuf]
alloc buf n makes room for n bytes and returns the position of the first byte in the buffer string buf.s.
array_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating an array node.

bool_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a bool node.

clear [Bi_outbuf]
Remove any data present in the buffer and in the table holding shared objects.
contents [Bi_outbuf]
Returns the data currently in the buffer.
create [Bi_outbuf]
Create a buffer.
create_channel_writer [Bi_outbuf]
create_output_writer [Bi_outbuf]

error [Bi_util]
error msg is equivalent to raise (Error msg).
extend [Bi_outbuf]
Guarantee that the buffer string has enough room for n additional bytes.

float32_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a float32 node.
float64_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a float64 node.
flush_channel_writer [Bi_outbuf]
Pair of convenience functions for creating a buffer that flushes data to an out_channel when it is full.
flush_output_writer [Bi_outbuf]
Pair of convenience functions for creating a buffer that flushes data to an object when it is full.
flush_to_channel [Bi_outbuf]
Alternate make_room function: write to an out_channel.
from_channel [Bi_inbuf]
Create an input buffer from an in_channel.
from_string [Bi_inbuf]
Create an input buffer from a string.

hash_name [Bi_io]
Hash function used to compute field name tags and variant tags from their full name.

int16_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating an int16 node.
int32_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating an int32 node.
int64_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating an int64 node.
int8_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating an int8 node.
int_of_svint [Bi_vint]
Interpret a vint as a signed int.

make_unhash [Bi_io]
Compute the hash of each string of the input list and return a function that converts a hash back to the original string.

num_variant_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a num_variant node.

output_view [Bi_io]
Prints a human-readable representation of the data to an out_channel.
output_view_of_tree [Bi_io]

peek [Bi_inbuf]
Return the next byte without moving forward.
print_view [Bi_io]
Prints a human-readable representation of the data to stdout.
print_view_of_tree [Bi_io]

read [Bi_inbuf]
read ib n makes at least n bytes available for reading or raises the End_of_input exception.
read_char [Bi_inbuf]
Read just one byte.
read_field_hashtag [Bi_io]
read_field_hashtag ib reads a field tag and returns the 31-bit hash.
read_hashtag [Bi_io]
read_hashtag ib f reads a variant tag as hash h and flag has_arg and returns f h has_arg.
read_numtag [Bi_io]
read_numtag ib f reads a num_variant tag and processes the tag name i and flag has_arg using f.
read_stream [Bi_stream]
read_stream of_string ic creates an OCaml stream from an input channel ic.
read_svint [Bi_vint]
Read a signed int from a buffer.
read_tag [Bi_io]
Read one-byte tag from a buffer.
read_tree [Bi_io]
Deserialization of a tree from a buffer.
read_untagged_bool [Bi_io]
read_untagged_char [Bi_io]
read_untagged_float32 [Bi_io]
read_untagged_float64 [Bi_io]
read_untagged_int16 [Bi_io]
read_untagged_int32 [Bi_io]
read_untagged_int64 [Bi_io]
read_untagged_int8 [Bi_io]
read_untagged_string [Bi_io]
read_untagged_svint [Bi_io]
read_untagged_unit [Bi_io]
read_untagged_uvint [Bi_io]
read_uvint [Bi_vint]
Read an unsigned int from a buffer.
really_extend [Bi_outbuf]
Default make_room function: reallocate a larger buffer string.
record_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a record node.
reset [Bi_outbuf]
Remove any data present in the buffer and reset it to its original size.

safety_test [Bi_io]
Check that certain low-level hacks work as expected
shared_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a shared node.
skip [Bi_io]
Read and discard a value.
string_of_hashtag [Bi_io]
Same as write_hashtag but writes to a string.
string_of_tree [Bi_io]
Serialization of a tree into a string.
string_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a string node.
svint_of_int [Bi_vint]
Convert a signed int to a vint.
svint_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating an svint node.

table_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a table node.
tag_of_tree [Bi_io]
Returns the node tag of the given tree.
tree_of_string [Bi_io]
Deserialization of a tree from a string.
try_preread [Bi_inbuf]
try_preread ib n make at least n bytes available for reading in ib.i_s, unless the end of the input is reached.
tuple_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a tuple node.

uint_of_uvint [Bi_vint]
Interpret a vint as an unsigned int.
unit_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a unit node.
unsafe_add_char [Bi_outbuf]
Add a byte to the buffer without checking that there is enough room for it.
uvint_of_uint [Bi_vint]
Convert an unsigned int to a vint.
uvint_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a uvint node.

variant_tag [Bi_io]
Tag indicating a variant node.
view [Bi_io]
Prints a human-readable representation of the data into a string.
view_of_tree [Bi_io]

write_bool [Bi_io]
write_char [Bi_io]
write_float32 [Bi_io]
write_float64 [Bi_io]
write_hashtag [Bi_io]
write_hashtag ob h has_arg writes variant tag h to buffer ob.
write_int16 [Bi_io]
write_int32 [Bi_io]
write_int64 [Bi_io]
write_int8 [Bi_io]
write_numtag [Bi_io]
write_numtag ob i has_arg writes the tag of a num_variant.
write_stream [Bi_stream]
write_stream to_string oc st writes an OCaml stream to the output channel oc.
write_string [Bi_io]
write_svint [Bi_io]
write_svint [Bi_vint]
Write a signed int to a buffer.
write_tag [Bi_io]
Write one-byte tag to a buffer.
write_tree [Bi_io]
Serialization of a tree to a buffer.
write_unit [Bi_io]
write_untagged_bool [Bi_io]
write_untagged_char [Bi_io]
write_untagged_float32 [Bi_io]
write_untagged_float64 [Bi_io]
write_untagged_int16 [Bi_io]
write_untagged_int32 [Bi_io]
write_untagged_int64 [Bi_io]
write_untagged_int8 [Bi_io]
write_untagged_string [Bi_io]
write_untagged_svint [Bi_io]
write_untagged_unit [Bi_io]
write_untagged_uvint [Bi_io]
write_uvint [Bi_io]
write_uvint [Bi_vint]
Write an unsigned int to a buffer.