Module Bi_outbuf

module Bi_outbuf: sig .. end
Output buffer

type t = {
   mutable o_s : string; (*Buffer string*)
   mutable o_max_len : int; (*Same as String.length s*)
   mutable o_len : int; (*Length of the data present in the buffer = current position in the buffer*)
   mutable o_offs : int; (*Length of data written and flushed out of the buffer. The total number of bytes written to the buffer is therefore o_offs + o_len.*)
   o_init_len : int; (*Initial length of the buffer*)
   o_make_room : t -> int -> unit; (*make_room buf n must provide space for at least the requested number of bytes n, typically by reallocating a larger buffer string or by flushing the data to a channel. This function is only called when there is not enough space for n bytes.*)
   mutable o_shared : Bi_share.Wr.tbl; (*Hash table used to map shared objects to positions in the input stream.*)
   o_shared_init_len : int; (*Initial length of the o_shared table.*)
val really_extend : t -> int -> unit
Default make_room function: reallocate a larger buffer string.
val flush_to_channel : Pervasives.out_channel -> t -> int -> unit
Alternate make_room function: write to an out_channel.
val create : ?make_room:(t -> int -> unit) -> ?shrlen:int -> int -> t
Create a buffer. The default make_room function is really_extend.
shrlen : initial size of the table used to store shared values.
val contents : t -> string
Returns the data currently in the buffer.
val create_channel_writer : ?len:int -> ?shrlen:int -> Pervasives.out_channel -> t
val flush_channel_writer : t -> unit
Pair of convenience functions for creating a buffer that flushes data to an out_channel when it is full.
val create_output_writer : ?len:int ->
?shrlen:int -> < output : string -> int -> int -> int; .. > -> t
val flush_output_writer : t -> unit
Pair of convenience functions for creating a buffer that flushes data to an object when it is full.
val extend : t -> int -> unit
Guarantee that the buffer string has enough room for n additional bytes.
val alloc : t -> int -> int
alloc buf n makes room for n bytes and returns the position of the first byte in the buffer string buf.s. It behaves as if n arbitrary bytes were added and it is the user's responsibility to set them to some meaningful values by accessing buf.s directly.
val add_string : t -> string -> unit
Add a string to the buffer.
val add_substring : t -> string -> int -> int -> unit
add_substring dst src srcpos len copies len bytes from string src to buffer dst starting from position srcpos.
val add_char : t -> char -> unit
Add a byte to the buffer.
val add_char2 : t -> char -> char -> unit
Add two bytes to the buffer.
val add_char4 : t -> char -> char -> char -> char -> unit
Add four bytes to the buffer.
val unsafe_add_char : t -> char -> unit
Add a byte to the buffer without checking that there is enough room for it.
val clear : t -> unit
Remove any data present in the buffer and in the table holding shared objects.
val reset : t -> unit
Remove any data present in the buffer and reset it to its original size. Remove any data present in the table holding shared objects and reset it to its original size.