Module Ag_doc

module Ag_doc: sig .. end
Support for <doc text="..."> annotations:

type foo = Bar of int <doc text="This type represents foo values.">

This allows code generators to inject the documentation into the generated code.

<doc> nodes that appear in the following positions should be taken into account by code generators that care about documentation:


Currently only one format called "text" is supported:

Character encoding: UTF-8 is strongly recommended, if not plain ASCII.

type inline = [ `Code of string | `Text of string ] 
`Text is regular text. `Code is text that was enclosed within {{ }} and should be rendered using the same fixed-width font used in all verbatim text.
type block = [ `Paragraph of inline list | `Pre of string ] 
`Paragraph is a regular paragraph. `Pre is preformatted text that was enclosed within {{{ }}} and should be rendered using a fixed-width font preserving all space and newline characters.
type doc = [ `Text of block list ] 
A document is a list of paragraph-like blocks.
val get_doc : Atd_ast.loc -> Atd_ast.annot -> doc option
Get and parse doc data from annotations.