Ahven Tutorial

Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Tero Koskinen <tero.koskinen@iki.fi>



Ahven is a unit test library modeled after JUnit library for Java. So, for JUnit users the API should be familiar.

The heart of the library is an abstract class called Test. It has two subclasses, Test_Case, and Test_Suite. Test_Case is the base class for other unit tests and Test_Suite is a container, which can hold Test objects.

Ahven.Framework class diagram

First Test Case

For your first test case, you need to create a new package and a new class, which is derived from Ahven.Framework.Test_Case. Let's call the package My_Tests and the class My_Tests.Test.

   -- my_tests.ads
   with Ahven.Framework;
   package My_Tests is
      type Test is new Ahven.Framework.Test_Case with null record;
   end My_Tests;

After you have defined your class, you need to overload Test_Case's Initialize procedure and create your own test procedure (My_First_Test).

   -- my_tests.ads
   with Ahven.Framework;
   package My_Tests is
      type Test is new Ahven.Framework.Test_Case with null record;

      procedure Initialize (T : in out Test);

      procedure My_First_Test;
   end My_Tests;

Next you need to create the body of the My_Tests package. In Initialize procedure you need to do two things:

   -- my_tests.adb
   package body My_Tests is
      procedure Initialize (T : in out Test) is
         Set_Name (T, "My tests");

           (T, My_First_Test'Access, "My first test");
      end Initialize;

   end My_Tests;

In the test procedure My_First_Test you can do anything you want. The Ahven package defines two utility procedures for you: Assert (Condition : Boolean; Message : String) and Fail (Message : String).

Assert will raise Assertion_Error if Condition is False. Fail does what its name implies and will raise Assertion_Error always. These Assertion_Errors will show as failures when you run the tests.

Here is an example:

   -- my_tests.adb
   with Ahven;
   use Ahven;

   package body My_Tests is
      procedure Initialize (T : in out Test) is
         Set_Name (T, "My tests");

           (T, My_First_Test'Access, "My first test");
      end Initialize;
      procedure My_First_Test is
         Assert (1 /= 4, "1 /= 4 failed!");
      end My_First_Test;
   end My_Tests;

Running a Test Case

To run your tests you need to feed them to a test runner. For example, Ahven.Text_Runner.Run runs the tests and prints the results to the standard output.

The best way to run the tests is to define a Test_Suite, add the tests there, and give the test suite to the runner.

-- runner.adb
with Ahven.Text_Runner;
with Ahven.Framework;
with My_Tests;

procedure Runner is
   S : Ahven.Framework.Test_Suite_Access :=
     Ahven.Framework.Create_Suite ("All my tests");
   Ahven.Framework.Add_Test (S.all, new My_Tests.Test);
   Ahven.Text_Runner.Run (S);
   Ahven.Framework.Release_Suite (S);
   -- Release_Suite will release all its children also.
end Runner;

Tero Koskinen, 2008-01-07