bm::bvector< Alloc >::iterator_base::dgap_descr Struct Reference

Information about current DGAP block. More...

#include <bm.h>

Data Fields

const gap_word_tptr
 Word pointer.
gap_word_t gap_len
 Current dgap length.

Detailed Description

template<class Alloc>
struct bm::bvector< Alloc >::iterator_base::dgap_descr

Information about current DGAP block.

Definition at line 299 of file bm.h.

Field Documentation

Current dgap length.

Definition at line 302 of file bm.h.

template<class Alloc>
const gap_word_t* bm::bvector< Alloc >::iterator_base::dgap_descr::ptr

Word pointer.

Definition at line 301 of file bm.h.

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