To activate the webservices, just enable the unicast mode with something like that:

unicast=1         : Activate the internal webserver
ip_http= : IP address for accepting the HTTP requests
port_http=8005    : Listening port

The webservices responses are not SOAP compliant, but formatted in simple XML documents (UTF-8). The output can be easily parsed in PHP for example.

1. Status monitoring :

There is no input parameters. URL : http://ip_http:port_http/monitor/state.xml

Example of response with comments:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<mumudvb card="5" frontend="0">                                          => adapter and frontend devices
        <global_version><![CDATA[1.6.1b_20101101]]></global_version>         => MuMuDVB version
        <global_pid>19574</global_pid>                                       => process PID
        <global_uptime>45</global_uptime>                                    => process uptime in seconds
        <frontend_name><![CDATA[ST STV0299 DVB-S]]></frontend_name>          => frontend name
        <frontend_tuned>1</frontend_tuned>                                   => 0 if adapter not tuned, 1 if adapter is tuned
        <frontend_frequency>11856000</frontend_frequency>                    => tuning frequency (always in kHz)
        <frontend_polarization><![CDATA[V]]></frontend_polarization>         => "-" if polarization isn't applicable, or "V" (Vertical), "H" (Horizontal", "L" (Left), "R" (Right)
        <frontend_symbolrate>27500000</frontend_symbolrate>                  => Satellite symbole rate in symbols per second (or 0 if not applicable)
        <frontend_system><![CDATA[DVB-S]]></frontend_system>                 => System used : "DVB-C", "DVB-T", "DVB-S", "DVB-S2", "ATSC"
        <frontend_status><![CDATA[SCVYL]]></frontend_status>                 => Tuner lock status: "S"/"-" (Signal), "C"/"-" (Carrier), "V"/"-" (Viterbi), "Y"/"-" (Synchro), "L"/"-" (Locked)
        <frontend_ber>0</frontend_ber>                                       => RAW BER value from driver (unsigned 16-bits integer)
        <frontend_signal>56955</frontend_signal>                             => RAW Signal level value from driver (unsigned 16-bits integer)
        <frontend_snr>54759</frontend_snr>                                   => RAW Signal to noise ratio from driver (unsigned 16-bits integer)
        <autoconf_end>1</autoconf_end>                                       => 0 if not autoconfiguration or autoconfiguration in progress, 1 if autoconfiguration is finished
        <cam_support>1</cam_support>                                         => 0 if no CAM support asked, 1 if CAM support was asked
        <cam_number>0</cam_number>                                           => CAM slot number
        <cam_menustring><![CDATA[Not retrieved]]></cam_menustring>           => When CAM is initialized, CAM model
        <cam_initialized>0</cam_initialized>                                 => 0 if CAM isn't initialized, 1 if CAM is initialized

        <channel number="1">                                                 => Loop over channels, one node per channel, with MuMuDVB internal id (starting at 1)
                <lcn>0</lcn>                                                     => If present, Channel Logical Number (Channel number)
                <name><![CDATA[CANAL+]]></name>                                  => Channel name
                <service_type type="1"><![CDATA[Television]]></service_type>     => See function "service_type_to_str" in "log.c" file for complete description
                <ip_multicast><![CDATA[]]></ip_multicast>                 => Multicast IP address ( if multicast is disabled)
                <port_multicast>0</port_multicast>                               => Multicast UDP port (0 if multicast is disabled)
                <is_up>0</is_up>                                                 => 0 if channel is not streamed, 1 if channel is streamed
                <traffic>7</traffic>                                             => Channel streamed IP bandwidth in kB (kilo-Bytes) per second
                <ratio_scrambled>99</ratio_scrambled>                            => Percentage of scrambled packets received
                <service_id>8201</service_id>                                    => Service ID of channel
                <pmt_pid>1280</pmt_pid>                                          => PMT PID of channel
                <unicast_port>0</unicast_port>                                   => Unicast port associated with the channle if unicast is setup by port
                <ca_sys>                                                         => Loop over all the CA systems listed in the PMT for the channel
                        <ca num="256"><![CDATA[Canal Plus]]></ca>                    => CA identifier and description if avaliable
                </ca_sys>                                                        => End of CA systems loop
                <pids>                                                           => Loop over all PID related to the channel and declared in the PMT
                        <pid number="1280" language="---"><![CDATA[PMT]]></pid>      => PID number, Language associated (or "---" if no language associated), PID description if avaliable
                        <pid number="160" language="---"><![CDATA[Video (MPEG2)]]></pid>
                        <pid number="80" language="fra"><![CDATA[Audio (MPEG2)]]></pid>
                        <pid number="81" language="eng"><![CDATA[Audio (MPEG2)]]></pid>
                        <pid number="32" language="---"><![CDATA[Teletext]]></pid>
                        <pid number="82" language="fra"><![CDATA[Audio (AC3)]]></pid>
                        <pid number="83" language="eng"><![CDATA[Audio (AC3)]]></pid>
                </pids>                                                          => End of PID loop
        </channel>                                                           => End of channels loop
</mumudvb>                                                               => End of response

2. Access to the CAM menu:

These two webservices allow for accessing the CAM menu during streaming. This is usefull for checking rights or download status for example.

The file cam_menu.php is a simple demonstration on how to use these webservices in order to make a web interface with AJAX compatible with the most important browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer).

For using it, you just need a webserver (lighttpd, apache, etc.) with PHP activated. The web page accept one GET parameter: port_server. This is the unicast port setup for accessing MuMuDVB webservices.

The CAM menu is refresded every 2 seconds and buttons can be used to navigate in the menus. MENU, LIST and ENQUIRY MMI objects are supported.

Case when the CAM isn’t initialized:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <datetime><![CDATA[Mon Nov  1 22:08:17 2010]]></datetime>  => Last update time/date
        <object><![CDATA[NONE]]></object>                          => No object to show
        <title><![CDATA[CAM not initialized!]]></title>            => Message about CAM not initialized

Case when the CAM is initialized but there is no menu to display:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <datetime><![CDATA[Tue Nov  2 22:38:37 2010]]></datetime>       => Last update time/date
        <cammenustring><![CDATA[Aston Module 2.1800]]></cammenustring>  => CAM model
        <object><![CDATA[NONE]]></object>                               => No object to show
        <title><![CDATA[No menu to display]]></title>                   => Message about no menu to display

Case when a object is send by the CAM to be displayed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <datetime><![CDATA[Tue Nov  2 22:39:58 2010]]></datetime>       => When the object was received
        <cammenustring><![CDATA[Aston Module 2.1800]]></cammenustring>  => CAM model
        <object><![CDATA[MENU]]></object>                               => Object: "MENU", "LIST" or "ENQUIRY"
        <title><![CDATA[Module Aston]]></title>                         => Object title
        <subtitle><![CDATA[Carte num ro 544.193.724]]></subtitle>       => Object subtitle (when an "ENQUIRY" object is display, show the number of characters expected in the answer)
        <item num="0"><![CDATA[Return]]></item>                         => For "MENU" and "LIST" objects, contain the lines of information or the items to be choosen. The "num" attribute correspond to the key to press to choose the item.
        <item num="1"><![CDATA[Consultation des droits]]></item>
        <item num="2"><![CDATA[R glages]]></item>
        <item num="3"><![CDATA[Information]]></item>
        <bottom><![CDATA[Votre choix, svp]]></bottom>                   => Object bottom line
  • Second webservice allows for sending response to the CAM. There is one integer GET paramter: key. Possible keys: 0 to 9 (numbers), M for asking the CAM menu, C for cancelling an ENQUIRY object. URL : http://ip_http:port_http/cam/action.xml?key=X There are 4 king of responses.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <datetime><![CDATA[Mon Nov  1 22:13:30 2010]]></datetime>

Unknown key:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <datetime><![CDATA[Mon Nov  1 22:13:30 2010]]></datetime>
        <result><![CDATA[ERROR: Unknown key!]]></result>

CAM not initialized:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <datetime><![CDATA[Mon Nov  1 22:13:30 2010]]></datetime>
        <result><![CDATA[ERROR: CAM not initialized!]]></result>

MuMuDVB compiled without CAM support:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <datetime><![CDATA[Mon Nov  1 22:13:30 2010]]></datetime>
        <result><![CDATA[Compiled without CAM support]]></result>