Features per Version
New in 2.10.4
- fixed: client segfault on some disconnects
- fixed: server segfault after end of rated games
- fixed: reusable server listen socket
- added some features to XILE
New in 2.10.2
- fixed: memory overflow when server registers a game at central
- fixed: incorrect remaining team count in team mode
- fixed: gametime async for client that caused client-dropout
- fixed: auto-suicide when other clients disconnected in previous games
- fixed: range checking for host and player counts
- fixed: unassigned input events that caused assertion failure
- fixed: display bug for invisibility special
- fixed: possible server crash, when a client lags too strongly
- fixed: xblast really supports 8+ players now!
- fixed: double-free on client when client is disconnected
- fixed: double-free on streams waiting for eof
- fixed: a bunch of minor memory leaks
- reworked bot management, added bot option for server setup
- chat throughout network game with configured keys
- Slowflame level feature (flames velocity can be made slower)
- mark players as out (= "kick" for SMPF)
New in 2.10.0
- Chat System
- Network Revised (interface detection in win, level negotiations and checking, improved socket cleanup)
- Level Editor integrated (Xile integrated in Project)
- Music (some musics are taken from the site:
http://www.ikp.uni-koeln.de/~nicolay/xsp/xsp.html, you can modify
them without problem (see tutorials later))
- Suicide (when disconnected player auto suicide)
- autobot, when 1 round idle bot activated
- ping check for connecting clients (clients are marked as "In" only after first ping arrived)
- Go! state (hosts can signal readiness for start, auto-start when all ready)
- dynamic change between team/chaos mode
- Compatible with superior versions (we hope) no need more for updating every new version, for a quick game.
- More levels, More Shapes
- Nat as configure option
- configure revised
- Some levels revised
- Central shows # of waiting (joined) players, and also the current scores of running games.
features lost due not cvs ...
- checking lives procedure for levels
( there levels which should be played with 2 or 3 lives)
- configure scripts now for uniqcs
- network structs for solaris fixed
- failed load pixmap routine
- if crashed levels will be already shuffled (rado requests)
- Spam in xblast.... Rado banners added
- xbsndsrv inetragted again in xblast for uniqs
- there will be more than 32 special types ( kick, rc, morph,..)
- bot will increase intelligence
- fixes and more fixes
- bot: bot.c got from old epfl and implemented it in tnt
you may activate it by connection and setting option bot to true
- some bug fixes
- async catch in protocol
- epfl features, only missing phantom and other crashy thing
- some bug fixes