TO DO ===== * Translate the program messages. Translation of the messages for wcd is going via the Translation Project (TP). See * Translate the manual. Contact Erwin Waterlander if you want to help ( * Support scripts that write from right to left like Arabic, Persian or Hebrew. I always kept this in mind while developing wcd: * keep it simple. Usable without knowing all the options. * wcd is a directory changer. The main goal is to change directory with a minimal amount of keystrokes. Don't change wcd into a directory/file manager. * low requirements. A minimal wcd version can be build with just an ansi-C compiler. The graphical tree can be drawn with ascii characters and colours are not required. This way wcd runs also on very old systems. * portable So I can use wcd everywhere. * backwards compatible Don't bother users. In a multi-user environment, old and new versions can be used together. NOT TO DO ========= Things I deliberately not implemented. (This may change in the future.) * Extended regular expressions support. Full regular expressions are too powerful for file and directory name matching. All normal shell commands like `ls' and `cp' use glob style matching and that is what users are used to. Full regular expressions are not really needed. * Approximate (fuzzy) matching. I have made in the past a wcd version with full regular expressions and fuzzy matching support. My experience was that when the number of directories is very large the fuzzy matching often causes unexpected behaviour. That is why I removed it again. I used the TRE regexp matching library, made by Ville Laurikari. See