Ludum Dare 4th 48 hour Game Development Competition Entry by tonic Theme: "Infection" Entry name: "Pathogen Warrior" Time log for the competition version ------------------------------------ 2004-04-17 (UTC/GMT+3 time) 11:30 Woke up and checked the theme. 12:00 Scribbled some design ideas. 13:00 Goofing around with web search related to my ideas, now it's time to eat something. 14:00 I forgot to go to eat - updated my SDL and SDL_image to newest versions instead and started to make some base code. Now I will go to eat. :) 14:30 Ate a bit of breakfast, time to go on. 16:12 Compilable version of framework up, time to cvs commit. :) 16:55 After some lacking I'm again at work. Made a slight change in the plans on what I'll be starting to make first regarding the game code. 17:40 Wasted bunch of time on some rendering issues. 18:43 Some progress on rendering and structure. Put this timelog to a page on my site dedicated for my entry with first screenshot. 19:07 Time for a meal. 19:29 Back to coding. 21:28 Wasted quite a while drawing and tuning some sprites and drinking some coffee. 23:05 Writing code and having fun with strange compiler errors MSVC gives with STL containers.. until I realize it was all because of a missing ';' char. :-D 00:01 First version of rendering the 2D hexagon map. Time for a second screenshot. 00:46 Added better event handling to app framework. 01:11 Scrolling the 2D map is somewhat functional now. 02:31 Had some headache with matching mouse position to the tile map. It's my first time making a hexagon based map, after all. :) Well, now it works anyway. 03:25 Drag'n'drop works now properly for the 2D map nodes. I also added creation, rotation and removal of the link nodes. 05:55 Verifying problem set seems to finally work mostly. 06:09 Time to sleep after last fixes, my wife wants to go to sleep. Note the time how long she has bravely waited for.. :) 12:01 Back to work. 13:08 Took a while to draw a map image with a mouse by looking at some world map image as a reference. Time for fourth screenshot. 13:58 Made some simple background music and added code to play it. 14:49 Added showing of problem position on the map image. 15:06 Scaling the circle by time spent on the problem. Going to shower. My wife is distracting me! 16:53 Proper generation of a new problem and level start info. Justifies fifth screenshot. 17:13 Configurable difficulty for each level. The game also has finally a name, which is currently "Pathogen Warrior". 18:25 Preparing to do some final stuff like a simple title screen. I don't have enough time to make a high score list. 19:02 Wrapping it up, somewhat ready to zip and upload it. 19:28 All set! -- $Id: timelog.txt,v 1.18 2004/06/27 20:06:39 tonic Exp $ $Revision: 1.18 $