MUDDLEFTPD DOCUMENTATION (Version 1.3.4) Beau Kuiper ( License under GPL 1) FTP COMMANDS 1a) Command List The following commands are understood and used by muddleftpd: PORT Define the data port the server will connect to. PASV Tell the surver that the next data connection will use passive mode. RETR Retreive a file from the server. STOR Store a file on the server. STOU Store a file on the server using an unique filename. APPE Append to a file on the server. TYPE Specify what type to transfer data (A = Ascii, B = binary) QUIT Quit the ftp server. PASS Password to log on using. USER Username to log on using. SYST Returns the system type muddleftpd is running on (UNIX) LIST Do a long list over a data connection. NLST Do a short list over a data connection. PWD see XPWD XPWD Return the current directory. CWD see XCWD XCWD Change the working directory. ABOR Abort a data connection in progress. CDUP Change to the parent directory. XCUP see CDUP STAT return server status or a listing over the control connection. NOOP Do nothing. REIN Reinitalize the server for a new user. REST Resume a data transfer at a particular position. DELE Delete a file. MKD see XMKD XMKD make a new directory. RMD see XRMD XRMD remove a directory. RNFR set the file to rename. RNTO set the name to rename to. SIZE get the size of a file using the current TYPE setting. MDTM get the modification time of a file. HELP show list of recognised commands. SITE DUMP display a file over the control connection. SITE ACCESS show ACLs of the current user. SITE HELP show recognised site commands. SITE UMASK set the umask. SITE CHMOD change the permissions of a file. SITE IDLE adjust idle time of user. Commands recognised but ignored in muddleftpd: ALLO Allocate space (not needed) ACCT Account name (not needed) STRU Structure type (always F[file])