1. What is this quickstart guide ?

It this guide I’ll explain how to stream a full transponder (all the channels multiplexed on the same carrier frequency) over a network, by assigning each channel to a different multicast IP. The SAP announces will automatically be generated.

For HTTP unicast or more advanced features, please refer to the full documentation.

I’ll take an example for DVB-S (satellite) and DVB-T (terrestrial). DVB-C and ATSC are similar.

I suppose you have one DVB card wich is already working, if you have more than one card refer to the full documentation.

If you don’t know your transponder frequencies, have a look to the README_CONF

2. DVB-S

  • First install mumudvb

    • Use the debian package, or

    • type ./configure then make in the mumudvb directory and, as root, make install

  • You have to find wich transponder you want to stream.

    • For European users you can use King Of Sat

    • You need : the frequency, the polarisation and the symbol rate (srate)

  • Now create a config file, wich contains :

freq=__tranponder frequency in MHz__
pol=__polarisation H, V, L or R__
srate=__symbol rate__
Example :
  • Now launch MuMuDVB with :

mumudvb -d -c __path to config file__
  • That’s all, you should get a list of the streamed channels with their IP adresses

The SAP (session announcement protocol) announces will be sent automatically.

3. DVB-T

  • It’s the same way as DVB-S excepted that you need other informations for tuning your card.

You can find these informations in : /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/ if you installed the dvb-utils package

Your config file will be :

freq=__frequency in kHz__
If your bandwith is different from 8Mhz or if you experience tuning issues, look for the following parameters in README_CONF : bandwidth, qam, trans_mode, guardinterval, coderate
The SAP (session announcement protocol) announces will be sent automatically.

4. Troubleshooting

  • Try adding one ore several -v to the mumudvb command line to have more detailled messages

  • If you experience tuning issues, try with other dvb software like scan or szap and check your parameters

  • If it still don’t work, look at common issues in the README and you can contact (see the README for getting the e-mail addresses)

When contacting about an issue, please join the config file used and the output of MuMuDVB in verbose mode ( -vvv on the command line) and any other information that could be useful.