As xyscan matures, the list of people who helped improving it grows. Many thanks to Valeri Fine (BNL) for introducing the double-mouse click feature. It speeds up things substantially (version 3.0.3). Also thanks to Giorgio Torrieri (U Frankfurt) for pointing out problems the position dialog (version 3.0.2). There is lots of activity including xyscan into the Gentoo (Benjamin Bannier) and Fedora distributions as well as Fink. I am very grateful for all folks involved in this.
Finally I want to thank Jd Bourlier for his heroic efforts in translating every piece of text in xyscan into French. Without him the first multi-lingual version (3.3.0) would not have happened. Many thanks also to Boris Hippolyte (U Strasbourg) who is translating my bad English into perfect French since version 3.3.3.