Saving and Printing Results

You can save the data collected in the scan to a simple text (ascii) file using File->Save. A file dialog allows you to specify file name and location of the file to be created. Details depend on the platform. The data is written in a simple self-explanatory format (table) preceded by a header that contains time and date, source file, user comments (see below) and other useful information. Alternatively you can store the data in form of a ROOT macro. To do so use file extension .C.

The File->Print command allows you to send the results to a printer. The print-out contains essentially the same information as when you save your result to file plus the scanned image itself.

You can add additional comments to the file and the print out. Edit->Comment launches a simple input dialog that allows to add a short comment, e.g. on the origin of the plot like publication, journal, author etc.