Mon Mar 20 21:07:47 GMT 2000
Version 0.96.9:
Lens flare effect working.
Sun Mar 19 23:47:02 GMT 2000
Version 0.96.8:
Fixed use of xrCalculateView to be more efficient.
Added support for luminance textures.
Added a cute lens flare effect (based on
code) which doesn't work yet. It's late.
I'll fix it tomorrow ...
Sun Mar 19 14:47:36 GMT 2000
Version 0.96.7:
Added internationalization support (using GNU gettext).
I've given up fixing texture / modelling problems
until I've been to visit the Blender authors. It
looks like Linux could soon have a very cool
open source modelling program - much needed, I can't
Sun Mar 12 12:59:25 GMT 2000
Version 0.96.6:
Fixed keyboard handling bugs. Changed track shape
and played extensively with game physics - things
are a lot better, but by no means perfect. You can
change physical constants on the fly using keys Q,
A, W, S, E, D, R, F, T, G (all in caps) and dump out
the settings with X. Helps a lot when fine-tuning
things. Texture maps are completely broken and will
remain so - I'm visiting the authors of Blender
to play with their new releases and talk to them
about what game authors will require from free
Blender, so don't expect textures to be fixed
for a while.
Sun Mar 5 18:13:23 GMT 2000
Version 0.96.5:
Fiddling with Blender and texture support ...
Sun Mar 5 12:49:43 GMT 2000
Version 0.96.4:
Fixed enterplanes. Added more scenery. Played
a lot of
Tux Racer.
Sun Feb 27 18:42:14 GMT 2000
Version 0.96.3:
Lots of debug added to track down problems
with the physics model.
Sun Feb 27 14:07:05 GMT 2000
Version 0.96.2:
Slightly smoother track. (Still not playable).
Sun Feb 27 12:20:14 GMT 2000
Version 0.96.1:
More physics tweaks. Still nowhere near
a playable game.
Fri Feb 25 22:27:36 GMT 2000
XRacer status
I've had a few people write to me complaining
that XRacer has regressed considerably over
the past few months, and yes, that is indeed
true. I've been very busy changing the interface
between the modeller and the game, and the
releases themselves haven't been playable.
In fact, since 0.96.0, I've decided to
tweak the Blender import code yet again. I'm
currently using up most of my spare time on
But there is a reason for this: it's vitally
important to build XRacer on a sound basis.
Blender is an excellent modeller (and will be
even better in summer this year when it
becomes truly freeware). But providing a
simple way to design tracks in Blender and
export them to XRacer, while preserving a really
good feel, is a difficult problem. And one
that it's worth getting right now, once and
for all, rather than having to revisit this
again at some later point.
I want to make sure that before I ask anyone
to think about drawing tracks, that the interface
from modeller to game is the best it possibly
can be.
It's also fair to say that I'm in no particular
hurry. XRacer has been in development for 8
months, has been rewritten once, and as
an open source project with no deadlines
I don't mind if it takes another 6 or 12
months to complete.
So bare with me and things will make sense,
in the end :-)
Sun Feb 20 13:19:33 GMT 2000
Version 0.96.0:
This version is extremely broken.
It's the first version where you can
draw an entire track in Blender, export it
(if you have a C-key), and import it as a complete
track (including scenery and textures). The track
shape is described as a single mesh, and the import
tools generate an efficient BSP which maps from the
pilot's position to the correct point in that
mesh. Tracks are no longer constructed from
``segments'' and are no longer limited in shape. A
track could now be an arbitrary shape: a wide open
area or a track which divides into several
alternative routes are both possibilities.
Sun Feb 6 23:15:55 GMT 2000
Version 0.95.31:
Fixed the BSP bug.
Sun Feb 6 16:50:02 GMT 2000
Version 0.95.30:
After about 12 hours work, fixed two
painfully small bugs in blender2track
(the BSP tool). It still doesn't
work ...
Sat Feb 5 11:40:35 GMT 2000
Version 0.95.29:
Substantial MPEG library cleanups. Some
problems remain with static variables,
but this is now basically turned into
a standalone library. We get about 45 fps.
Mon Jan 31 23:10:11 GMT 2000
Version 0.95.28:
The new BSP code still isn't working.
However, I imported the
Software Simulation Group's MPEG-2 decoder,
so now XRacer can play MPEG-2 files in the
intro sequence. Try compiling this version
and copying
a random MPEG-2 file
to $PREFIX/share/xracer/video/intro.mpeg
after installing XRacer. If the MPEG is in
a suitable format, then XRacer will play it
until you press a key. Frame rates are not
so good at the moment -- I get between 18 and
20 fps. However, the code isn't even slightly
optimized yet, and I think getting 50 fps
shouldn't be a problem once I remove some
of the more gratuitous copying. Obviously
what I'm missing now is an actual MPEG to play.
If anyone is interested in submitting an
intro video, I'll put them up on the site and hold
a small vote for which one goes in the game.
Before starting to design an intro video, please
contact me so that I can tell you some of the
more technical requirements.
Sun Jan 30 08:30:02 GMT 2000
Version 0.95.27:
Small mouse patch. In case people think I'm
sitting around doing nothing, take a look
in the tracks/simple2 directory and the
tools/blender2track directory. Scary code
to build BSPs (non-working :-).
Sun Jan 23 17:07:14 GMT 2000
Version 0.95.26:
Wrote a Python program which exports Blender tracks
in a certain format. Nothing useful yet - I have to
now modify all the Perl scripts to be able to read
this export file and generate tracks as before.
Read the important announcement below.
Blender Announcement
Ton Roosendaal, author of Blender has
generously sponsored a Blender
C-key. The Blender C-key enables various
critical extra features in Blender, namely Python
scripting, which will help greatly in exporting
Blender tracks into XRacer.
Blender C-key features migrate to the
free version of Blender about 6 months
after they have been added. In addition,
a fully freeware (GPLed) release of Blender
is planned for the summer this year.
You don't need a C-key in order to
compile or run Blender. If you are designing
tracks, then a C-key is not required, but
highly recommended, until the free release
of Blender appears.
Old news ...