XPP enables the user to incorporate
a large number of options within an ODE file. These have the form:
@ opt1=value,opt2=value2,
where opt1 is the name of an option and value is the
assigned value. Almost every option can also be set within XPP from
the menus. Similarly, most items that you want to set in XPP can be
set in the ODE file.
The following options can
only be set outside the program. They are:
- MAXSTOR=integer sets the total number of time steps that
will be kept in memory. The default is 5000. If you want to perform
very long integrations change this to some large number.
- BACK= {Black,White} sets the background to black or white (deprecated).
- SMALLFONT=fontname where fontname is some font available
to your X-server. This sets the ``small'' font which is used in the
Data Browser and in some other windows.
- BIGFONT=fontname sets the font for all the menus and popups.
- SMC={0,...,10} sets the stable manifold color
- UMC={0,...,10} sets the unstable manifold color
- XNC={0,...,10} sets the X-nullcline color
- YNC={0,...,10} sets the Y-nullcline color
- OUTPUT=filename sets the filename to which you want to write for
``silent'' integration. The default is ``output.dat''.
- DWCOLOR,MWCOLOR,BACKCOLOR,FORECOLOR=###### Set drawing window,mainwindow,background color,foreground color as a hexadecimal, e.g. FF0000 is pure red, 090909 is medium grey, 000000 is black, FFFFFF is white.
- GRADS={0,1} turn off or on gradiens in the XPP buttons
- HEIGHT=pixels,WIDTH=pixels, sets the height and width of the main window intially
- RUNNOW={0,1} run the simulation as soon as the windows are up (Don't wait for Init conds Go, e.g.
- BUT=name:kbs defines button on the top of the main window. You
can define up to 20 such buttons. They will be colored yellow and when
you press them, they will execute an XPP keyboard shortcut. For
example, BUT=Fit:wf will create a button labeled Fit
and when you proess it, it will be as if you had clicked
Window/zoom Fit. Most of the menu items are available.
The remaining options can be set from within the program. They are
- Plotting options.
- LT=int sets the linetype. It should be less than 2 and
greater than -6.
- XP=name sets the name of the variable to plot on the x-axis.
The default is T, the time-variable.
- YP=name sets the name of the variable on the y-axis.
- ZP=name sets the name of the variable on the z-axis (if the plot
is 3D.)
- NPLOT=int tells XPP how many plots will be in the opening
- XP2=name,YP2=name,ZP2=name tells XPP the variables on the axes
of the second curve; XP8 etc are for the 8th plot. Up to 8 total plots
can be specified on opening. They will be given different colors.
- AXES={2,3} determine whether a 2D or 3D plot will be
- PHI=value,THETA=value set the angles for the three-dimensional
- XLO=value,YLO=value,XHI=value,YHI=value set the limits for
two-dimensional plots (defaults are 0,-2,20,2 respectively.) Note that
for three-dimensional plots, the plot is scaled to a cube with
vertices that are ± 1 and this cube is rotated and projected onto
the plane so setting these to ± 2 works well for 3D plots.
- XMAX=value, XMIN=value, YMAX=value, YMIN=value, ZMAX=value, ZMIN=value set
the scaling for three-d plots.
- Postscript options
- PS_COLOR={0,1} Greyscale or color
- PS_FSIZE=fontsize
- PS_LW=linewidth
- PS_FONT=fontname
- Numerical options
- SEED=int sets the random number generator seed.
- TOTAL=value sets the total amount of time to integrate the
equations (default is 20).
- DT=value sets the time step for the integrator (default is 0.05).
- NJMP=integer or NOUT=integer
tells XPP how frequently to output the
solution to the ODE. The default is 1, which means at each
integration step. This is also used to specify a the period for maps in
the continuation package AUTO.
- T0=value sets the starting time (default is 0).
- TRANS=value tells XPP to integrate until T=TRANS and then
start plotting solutions (default is 0.)
- NMESH=integer sets the mesh size for computing nullclines
(default is 40).
- {BANDUP=int, BANDLO=int} sets the upper and lower limits for
banded systems which use the banded version of the CVODE integrator.
- METH={
discrete,euler,modeuler,rungekutta,adams,gear,volterra, backeul,
sets the integration method (see below; default is Runge-Kutta.) The
latter four are the Dormand-Prince integrators and a Rosenbrock (2,3)
integrator and a symplectic integrator.
- DTMIN=value sets the minimum allowable timestep for the Gear
- DTMAX=value sets the maximum allowable timestep for the Gear
- VMAXPTS=value sets the number of points maintained in for the
Volterra integral solver. The default is 4000.
- { JAC_EPS=value, NEWT_TOL=value, NEWT_ITER=value} set
parameters for the root finders.
- ATOLER=value sets the absolute tolerance for several of the
- TOLER=value sets the error tolerance for the Gear, adaptive RK,
and stiff integrators. It is the relative tolerance for CVODE and the
Dormand-Prince integrators.
- BOUND=value sets the maximum bound any plotted variable can
reach in magnitude. If any plottable quantity exceeds this, the
integrator will halt with a warning. The program will not stop
however (default is 100.)
- DELAY=value sets the maximum delay allowed in the integration
(default is 0.)
- AUTOEVAL={0,1} tells XPP whether or not to automatically
re-evaluate tables everytime a parameter is changed. The default is
to do this. However for random tables, you may want this off. Each
table can be flagged individually within XPP.
- Poincare map
- POIMAP={ section,maxmin,period} sets up a Poincare map for
either sections of a variable, the extrema, or period between events.
- POIVAR=name sets the variable name whose section you are
interested in finding.
- POIPLN=value is the value of the section; it is a floating
- POISGN={ 1, -1, 0 } determines the direction of the
- POISTOP=1 means to stop the integration when the section is
- Range integration
- RANGE=1 means that you want to run a range integration (in batch
- RANGEOVER=name, RANGESTEP, RANGELOW, RANGEHIGH, RANGERESET=Yes,No, RANGEOLDIC=Yes,No all correspond to the entries in the
range integration option.
- STOCH=1 - set the stochastics flag so the orbits are automatically averaged over successive runs
- Phasespace
- TOR_PER=value, defined the period for a toroidal phasespace and
tellx XPP that there will be some variables on the circle.
- FOLD=name, tells XPP that the variable <name> is to be
considered modulo the period. You can repeat this for many variables.
- AUTO options. The following AUTO-specific variables can also be
is the variable to plot on the y-axis. The x-axis variable is always
the first parameter in the ODE file unless you change it within AUTO.
- Miscellaneous
- AUTOEVAL={1,0} tells XPP whether or not to recompute tables whenever parameters are changed. If you have a table of random connectivuty, you want this turned off (0).
- BELL=0 turns of the bell for XPP.
- COLORMAP={0,1,2,3,4,5} switches the color map:
- 0: standard
- 1: periodic
- 2: ``hot''
- 3: ``cool''
- 4: red-blue
- 5: grey