1.2a * Fixed bug where the snapshot, by default, would start 60 pixels down from the top of the screen * Fixed up Windows zlib.dsp (1.2 release was still 1.1.x zlib.dsp, despite change log and README entries) * Minor enhancments to developer make_release_bin and run-sf-compiles scripts * Fix to manual page formatting * Missing change log entry for 1.2 added (-count/-fps options not mentioned, but are in README) 1.2 * Upgraded Windows build to Zlib 1.2.1 * Added vncpasswd to the build * Fixed bug where snapshot thought it had got a non-blank screen when in fact it hadn't (bug resulted in blank screen captures) * Fixed to compile on Mac OS X * Added -count and -fps options for multiple screen shots (does not work with all servers) 1.1 * Included UltraVNC RFB definitions in header files. UltraVNC encodings and scalings are not supported yet, however. * Merged Tight VNC 1.2.8 and RealVNC 3.3.7 sources * Merged Tight VNC 1.2.7 sources * When saving a sub-area of the server's screen, only that part is fetched (formerly the entire screen was fetched) * New '-ignoreblank' and '-allowblank' to work around RealVNC servers that send an initial blank screen. * Now supports '-cursor' and '-nocursor' options; unfortunately these only work for recent TightVNC servers * Merged RealVNC 3.3.6 sources * Now supports both TightVNC 'tight' and 'zlib' encodings and RealVNC 'zrle' encoding. * Dropped beta status as I got no bug reports (in fact, no reports at all) * -tunnel and -via options now supported for all platforms (not tested on Windows) * Fix: coordinates of -0 (0 pixels from right/bottom edge) now work * Win32 Release build works 1.0 Beta 2 * Added manual page * Updated zlib dependancy to version without security vunerability * Updated web page to include author's e-mail * Updated BUILD.unix and BUILD.win32 to point to official JPEG and zlib sites