Transcriber relies on several softwares or libraries that you need to install first : Tcl/Tk, Snack, tcLex and optionally NIST/Sphere. The complete procedure is explained in the following steps:
If Tcl/Tk version 8.0 or higher is not already installed on your system, get it on Tcl developper Xchange website :
or one of its mirrors and unpack them:
$ gunzip -c tcl.tar.gz | tar xf -
Choose an installation directory (e.g. < size="2">/usr/local) and follow instructions found in tcl/README and tk/README (configure with --enable-shared option). For Tcl under Unix, it will be something like:
$ cd tcl/unix
$ ./configure --enable-gcc --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local
$ make
$ make install
Do the same for Tk. If you choose to install into a different directory, make sure to set the environnement variables of your system (e.g., PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH) to the right values.
This step is needed only if you plan to use Sphere sound file format with Snack. Get NIST/Sphere archive:
Unpack it in a sibling directory of this distribution
$ zcat sphere_2.6a.tar.Z | tar xf -
Then install it:
$ cd nist; sh src/scripts/
You will be asked the target platform. For Linux, choose 10 (i.e. custom) and change following values (the other ones should be OK):
What is/are the Compiler Flags: -O -Wall -fPIC
What is/are the Architecture: INTEL
NB - For Linux Distributions older than Redhat 5.x and Debian 2.x, you need to comment the following line inside the file nist/src/lib/sp/exit.c : extern char *sys_errlist[]; (thanks to Dafydd Gibbon for this information) For the courageous ones, a patch is given in the Transcriber source distribution in src/patch-sphere for a dynamic compilation of Sphere libs under Linux.
Get the last Snack library. Depending on whether you want to compile it yourself or not, download source or binary library release at :
If you want to compile it yourself, then extract it:
$ gunzip -c snack.tar.gz | tar xf -
Then follow the instructions in README and install Snack, e.g. with:
$ cd snack/unix
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
$ make
$ make install
If './configure' fails, you have probably Tcl/Tk installed in a non standard directory; give it with --with-tcl and --with-tk options.
for use with Tcl/Tk version 8.0, add the option --disable-stubs
Be sure to get the latest release
In order to use Sphere format, configure with --with-nist=...
Test Snack demos!
Get tcLex 1.2 module:
extract it:
$ gunzip -c tcLex1.2a1.tar.gz | tar xf -
Then follow the instructions in README.txt and install tcLex, e.g. with:
$ cd tcLex1.2a1/src
$ chmod a+x configure install-sh
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
$ make
$ make install
NB - You need to have the complete sources of Tcl for building this extension, since it relies on specific header files not installed by standard Tcl installation.
Extract the source archive of Transcriber, compile and install it:
$ gunzip -c Transcriber-1.4.4.tar.gz | tar xf -
$ cd Transcriber-1.4.4/src
$ ./configure --with-snack=... --with-tcl=... --with-tk=... --prefix=...
$ make
$ make install
As options to the ./configure command, you have to give the directory where Snack archive was extracted (--with-snack=...), the directories where Tcl and Tk were installed (--with-tcl=...--with-tk=...), and the directory where you will install Transcriber (--prefix=...). For use with Tcl/Tk version 8.0, add the option --disable-stubs.
Test it !
$ trans
You will be asked to open a sound signal or a transcription; some are found in the 'demo' sub-directory
Windows installation from sources
The installation in a Windows environment looks like the Linux one because it also uses the tools configure and make. It consists in:
installing the tools, MinGW and MinSYS, to enable to compile using make and configure on Windows.
installing the libraries TcLex and Snack, used by Transcriber
using a kit (TclKit) that embeds Tcl and Tk to source Transcriber
Hereunder, the different steps are detailed:
Download Transcriber source package for Windows at and extract it in c:\TransSource
Download the MinGW binary at and install it in c:\MinGW (not in c:\Program Files because it does not handle paths with white spaces). MinGW ("Minimalistic GNU for Windows") refers to a set of runtime headers, used in building a compiler system based on the GNU GCC and binutils projects. It compiles and links code to be run on Win32 platforms, providing C, C++ and Fortran compilers plus other related tools.
Download the MinSYS binary at install it in c:\MSYS. MinSYS or Minimal SYStem is a POSIX and Bourne shell environment use with MinGW. It provides a hand picked set of tools to allow a typical configuration script with Bourne syntax to execute. This allows most of the GNU packages to create a Makefile just from executing the typical configure script which can then be used to build the package using the native MinGW version of GCC.
Download Tcl/Tk binary library at and install it in c:\MinGW . Those libraries are used during the linkage step of the Transcriber compilation.
Launch MinGW (by cliquing on its icon) and move to c:\TransSource\src directory:
cd c:\TransSource\src
Launch the compilation/installation precising Tcl and Tk library paths and Transcriber installation directory
./configure --with-tcl=/mingw/lib --with-tk=/mingw/lib/ --prefix=c:\TransBin
make install
Download TclLex windows binary library at and extract it in c:\TransBin\lib\TcLex12a1
Download the last Snack binary release for windows with Tcl/Tk at . Extract it and copy the content of Snack\bin\windows (ie all .dll, .lib and snack.tcl and pkgIndex.tcl) to c:\TransBin\lib\Snack
Download Tclkit for Windows at and copy it in c:\TransBin. This tool embeds in a single executable file all what you need to source Tcl an Tk script files. To source Transcriber, you just have to launch Tclkit and type :
source c:\TransBin\lib\Transcriber1.4\tcl\Main.tcl
Note, that if you prefer to use Active Tcl (, in that case you don't have to install Snack because it is included in it. And if you want to launch Transcriber, you just have to launch Wish and then type:
source c:\TransBin\lib\Transcriber1.4\tcl\Main.tcl
The Tclkit solution is preferred to Active Tcl because it enables to create a single setup package for Transcriber which includes: the Transcriber binary and script files, the Snack library, the TcLex library, Tcl and Tk. And nothing else is needed to run Transcriber.
The installation procedure described here, just concerns the Mac OS X 10.3 version, usually called « panther ».
Transcriber 1.5.0 for Mac OS on SourceForge website at
Decompress it
Install MacOS development kit (including gcc)
Install Tcl/Tk 8.4.5 at which contain pre-compiled versions of Snack and tcLex libraries.
Compile libtrans library:
- paths and compilation flags of Makefile should be modified, depending on your configuration (the one that has been used to create the binary version is present in the 'snapshot' version of Transcriber on SourceForge in the file src/Makefile-MacOSX)
- then 'make'
Download the last Linux binary distribution at
Make sure you have an installed version of Tcl/Tk 8.0 or higher and get the binary archive for your system (e.g. Linux, Solaris...) matching your version of Tcl/Tk.
Switch to the place where you want to install the tool, e.g.:
$ cd /usr/local
If you choose to install into a non-standard directory, make sure to set the environnement variables of your system (e.g., PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH) to the right values.
Extract the files from the archive:
$ gunzip -c Transcriber-1.5.0.tar.gz | tar xf -
Launch the tool:
$ trans
You will be asked to open a transcription or a sound signal to start a new transcription.
Download the last Windows binary distribution at
Double-click on it and follow the installation guide.
Download the last Mac OS binary distribution (*.dmg) at