Installation for Windows NT

Here are the steps involved in downloading and installing the Windows version of Transcriber.

(1) Install Tcl/Tk 8.2

From URL

download "Windows 95 and Windows NT self-extracting installer" (tcl823.exe)
Double-click on the .exe file to install Tcl/Tk.
The machine will reboot after installation.

(2) Install Snack 1.6

From URL

download "Binary Release for Windows 95/98/NT with Tcl/Tk 8.1.1 or later" (snack165n.exe)
Double-click on the .exe file to install Snack.

(3) Install Transcriber

From the Transcriber sourceforge project site

download exe file
Double-click on the .exe file to install Transcriber.

In each case, the installer program will ask you what folder to use.
For Transcriber, the default is

(4) Start Transcriber

In the start menu, within the program sub-menu, a "Transcriber" menu is now available. You can start Transcriber by choosing "Main.tcl". The documentation is available in the same menu and is viewed from your browser. You can also place a shortcut to Main.tcl (for the default installation location, it will be found in C:\Program Files\Transcriber\tcl) on your desktop, renamed "Transcriber", as a more convenient way of accessing the program.