Mailing list
If you wish to receive announcements of future versions of Transcriber,
register to the ``transcriber-announce'' mailing list by sending a message
to with the following
line in the message body:
subscribe transcriber-announce First_name Last_Name <E-mail_address>
Ex: subscribe transcriber-announce John Doe <>
If you wish to take part in the discussions about the development of
Transcriber, register to the ``transcriber-devel'' mailing list by sending
a message to the same address but with the following line in the message
subscribe transcriber-devel First_name Last_Name <E-mail_address>
Ex: subscribe transcriber-devel John Doe <>
Contact us
If you think you have found a bug in Transcriber, please send a message with a detailed description of what happened to
If you have a question for which you have not found the answer on this site, or if you wish to make suggestions or proposals for further improvements which do not already appear in the to do list, you can send a message to