G. Pape
tinydyndns - fake-pop3d
Since the POP mailbox used by the pop-before-dyndns service never
contains mail, there is no need to run a real pop3 server, and for
having a Maildir/ at all.
You can test to replace the pop3front-maildir in
/etc/tinydyn/pop/run with this
fake-pop3d script:
echo '+OK '
read input
if [ "$input" = 'LIST' ]; then
echo '+OK'
echo '.'
elif [ "$input" = 'STAT' ]; then
echo '+OK 0 0'
read input
echo '+OK'
exit 0
An example /etc/tinydyn/pop/run script:
exec softlimit -m 4000000 envdir ./env tcpserver -vRH a.b.c.d 110 \
pop3front-auth dyn.smarden.org \
cvm-pwfile sh -c '
echo "login: $USER: $TCPREMOTEIP" >&7
cd /etc/tinydyn/root
setlock data.cdb \
tinydyndns-update $USER.dyn.smarden.org $TCPREMOTEIP >&7 2>&1
cd /etc/tinydyn/pop
exec /etc/tinydyn/pop/fake-pop3d
' 2>&1 7>&1
Gerrit Pape <pape@smarden.org>