
A simple example that uses the parallel_for template in a substring matching program. For each position in a string, the program displays the length of the largest matching substring elsewhere in the string. The program also displays the location of a largest match for each position. Consider the string "babba" as an example. Starting at position 0, "ba" is the largest substring with a match elsewhere in the string (position 3).
The code located in the sub_string_finder_extended.cpp file demonstrates offload programming for Intel® Many Integrated Core (Intel® MIC) Architecture (see build instructions).


The example as it appears in the Getting Started Guide.
An example similar to the one in the Getting Started Guide, but with an added sequential implementation, and with an offload region added that can be executed on Intel® MIC Architecture based coprocessor. The three implementations are timed, by using tick_count, and the speedup of the parallel version and the speedup of the parallel version and, if applicable, the offload version is calculated and displayed.
An example similar to the one in the Getting Started Guide, but with more attractive printing of the results.
Makefile for building example.


Contains Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2005 workspace for building and running the example (Windows* systems only).
Contains Xcode* IDE workspace for building and running the example (OS X* systems only).

To Build

General build directions can be found here.


Runs the example as it appears in the Getting Started Guide.
Runs the similar example with more attractive printing of the results.
Runs the example extended with a sequential implementation and an offload region that can be executed on Intel® MIC Architecture based coprocessor.
To run a short version of this example, e.g., for use with Intel® Threading Tools:
Build a debug version of the sub_string_finder_pretty example (see the build directions).
Run it, e.g., sub_string_finder_pretty.

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