- A simple example that uses the parallel_for template in a substring matching program. For each position
in a string, the program displays the length of the largest matching substring elsewhere in the string.
The program also displays the location of a largest match for each position. Consider the string "babba"
as an example. Starting at position 0, "ba" is the largest substring with a match elsewhere in the
string (position 3).
- The code located in the sub_string_finder_extended.cpp file
demonstrates offload programming for Intel® Many Integrated Core (Intel® MIC) Architecture (see build instructions).
- sub_string_finder.cpp
- The example as it appears in the Getting Started Guide.
- sub_string_finder_extended.cpp
- An example similar to the one in the Getting Started Guide, but with an added sequential
implementation, and with an offload region added that can be executed on Intel® MIC Architecture based coprocessor.
The three implementations are timed, by using tick_count,
and the speedup of the parallel version and
the speedup of the parallel version and, if applicable, the offload version is calculated and displayed.
- sub_string_finder_pretty.cpp
- An example similar to the one in the Getting Started Guide, but with more attractive printing of the results.
- Makefile
- Makefile for building example.
- msvs
- Contains Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2005 workspace for building and running the example (Windows* systems only).
- xcode
- Contains Xcode* IDE workspace for building and running the example (OS X* systems only).
To Build
General build directions can be found here.
- sub_string_finder
- Runs the example as it appears in the Getting Started Guide.
- sub_string_finder_pretty
- Runs the similar example with more attractive printing of the results.
- sub_string_finder_extended
- Runs the example extended with a sequential implementation and an offload region that can be executed on Intel® MIC Architecture based coprocessor.
- To run a short version of this example, e.g., for use with Intel® Threading Tools:
- Build a debug version of the sub_string_finder_pretty example
(see the build directions).
Run it, e.g., sub_string_finder_pretty.
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