TODO list and scratch pad for Structure Synth. /Mikael - Update website Structure Synth 1.5.0 ("Hinxton") Released ------------------------------------------ Structure Synth is a tool for generating 3D structures from recursive rules. The structures are often complex and surprising. Structure Synth integrates with third-party renderers (such as Sunflow and POV-Ray) using a flexible template based export system. Binaries for Windows (XP and Vista). Mac binaries available soon. Linux is source only. Download instructions at: New major features (since 1.0.0): - Integrated raytracer - JavaScript integration (for building animations). - OBJ exporter (supporting all primitives and tagging) Minor features: - Added 'random[-2,3]' for preprocessor generated random numbers (uniform distributed). - Added 'show coordinate system'. - Added option to Template Export Dialog to Autosave Eisenscript. The Autosave includes the random seed and camera settings. - Context menu with command help in editor window. - Proper sorting of transparent OpenGL objects. - Added a patch by François Beaune to support Appleseed. - GUI Refactoring. For more information see: - Website: - add section links. - tutorials: 'EisenScript Kata' - JanJacobSV has some interesting 3D experiments with CFDG and Virtools. EisenScript ----------- Structures are specified in EisenScript (named after the russian film director Sergei Eisenstein). EisenScript is processed by the Eisenstein Engine by the following steps: 1) Preprocessor (strips comments imports '#include' statements). 2) Tokenizer (divides string input into symbols. The string input is split at any white space (except if it occurs inside quotes).) 3) Parser (standard recursive descent parser). The parser creates a 'ruleset' from the text input. 4) Name resolving. Rules contain symbolic references to other rules. These symbols must be resolved. The EBNF notation for EisenScript looks like this: program = { set | rule } ; rule = 'RULE' , rule_name , [ weight ] , '{' , { set | action } , '}' ; action = { transformationloop } [transformationlist] rule_ref ; transformationloop = number , '*' , transformationlist ; transformationlist = '{' , { transformation } , '}'; transformation = 'X' , number | // translations 'Y' , number | 'Z' , number | 'RX', number | // rotation about axis 'RY', number | 'RZ', number | 'S', number | // resizing (all axis equal) 'S', number number number, // resizing for x,y,z individually set = 'SET' , var_name , string ; 'rule_ref', 'var_name', and 'string' are text strings with a reasonable set of allowed characters. Though not strictly a part of the syntax, a few rules are provided as predefined primitives in Structure Synth: Primitives: ----------- box - solid box grid - wireframe box sphere - line - along x axis, centered in y,z plane. point - centered in coordinate system. cylinder - the symmetry axis will be the current x axis. pbox - continues box (will be drawn smoothly as the coordinate system transforms). pcylinder- polygonal cylinder (will be drawn smoothly as the coordinate system transforms). tube - (With number of division)