Copyright © 2005-2010 by Dimitris V. Kalamaras.
This documentation is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation You have the right to use and copy it, study, modify and then redistribute the revised source code as long as you keep the source code free for the others. For a complete list of your rights and obligations by using this program please read the GPL.
Many thanks to:
- Vaggelis Motesnitsalis (SRS Documentation)
- Serafeim Zanikolas (Debian packager)
- Markos Chandras (Gentoo packager)
- Tom Tryfonidis (Arch packager)
- Daniel Pinto dos Santos, for the German translation
- Andre Somers, for bug fixing and useful comments
- Thomas Ingold, for betweeness bug reporting
- Steven Orr, for bug reporting
- Fred March, for bug reporting
- Alejandro Garrido Mota (Debian packager)
- Martin Hohenberg
- Victor Cardoso
- Paul Johnson
- David de Ugarte, for an older Spanish translation
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