* it don't works |
** it don't works and need to be tested |
? it don't work well: unresolved bug |
-> to be deleted |
?setenv(varname,value) : set a enviremont variable in currently os. if variable exist it will be overwrite |
*run : run command on new thread |
*repeat : not implemented yet |
*until : not implemented yet |
*redim [name][[index of array]] : redeclare an array |
*quicksort [array] : sort an array |
*format() : returns formatted string with embedded args |
*format$() : returns formatted string with embedded args |
?savesound(filename,n) : save a wave file from sound slot n (low quality result) |
?vumetersound(optional c) : give the current state of sound channel (-1 or none=all) |
*ConnectionReadySock(sock) : the server have accepted the connection |
*PeekSock(Sock, NumBytes) : Peek information coming from socket, but do not clear. |
?getlocalip() : return the local ip (not work on windows) |
generated with sdlbasic
graphics zoiba