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3.6 qwavsilence

qwavsilence detects and shrinks silence sequences in wav files

3.6.1 synopsis

qwavsilence optionfile

3.6.2 description

qwavsilence reads a list of wav files looking for silence sequences longer than a given value, possibly shrinking them.

3.6.3 option list

-d cutpoint

cutpoint (see cut points) specifies the minimum duration of a silent sequence in a file to be reported. the default value is one second. this option overrides the option --length explained below.


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-l time

time (see specifying time) specifies the minimum length(=duration) of a silent sequence in a file to be reported. this option is quite similar to the --duration option above. it’s easier to use though not as powerful than the previous one. the default value is one second. this option overrides the --duration option explained above.


when this option is set, all the silent sequences greater than the value of the --duration option will be shrinked down to duration and the file size truncated accordingly.

-t threshold

threshold is a percentage value respect the maximum (absolute) sample value. samples whose value is under the given threshold are considered silent. for example, a value of 2 means that all samples with absolute value under the 2% will be treated as silent samples. the default value is 0.


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