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3.2 qwavfade

qwavfade fade in/out wav files

3.2.1 synopsis

qwavfade optionfile

3.2.2 description

qwavfade modifies a wav file applying on it a fade in or a fade out or both.

a fade consists in modifying progressively the level of the wav as if you were slowly increasing or decreasing the volume. a fade in consists in increasing the volume starting from a low level at the beginning of the wav. a fade out consists in decreasing the volume to a low level at the end of the wav.

3.2.3 option list

-d cutpoint

cutpoint (see cut points) specifies the duration of the fade. the default value is five seconds. this option overrides the --length option explained below.


show a brief help and exit.


just fade in. don’t fade out. by default, fade in and fade out.

-l time

time (see specifying time) specifies the length(=duration) of the fade. this option is quite similar to the --duration option above. it’s easier to use though not as powerful than the previous one. the default value is five seconds. this option overrides --duration option explained above.


just fade out. don’t fade in. by default, fade in and fade out.


this option can be used to create and fade test files instead of modifying the original file. a test file will be created for each type of selected fade (in or out). the name of the test file will be fadein.file or fadeout.file. the duration of the test files is the fade duration plus five seconds.


show more detailed info.


show version and exit.

3.2.4 example

suppose you want to fade in and out the fantastic song using a fade duration of 3.5 seconds:

first we are going to test:

qwavfade --test --length 3.5

hear the test fades:


if you want to try with another duration, jump to the first step and change the length(or --duration) argument.

if you’re happy with the tests (omit --test):

qwavfade --length 3.5

3.2.5 notes

qwavfade doesn’t allow both types of fades (in and out) to overlap. if you want to fade in and out a wav file, and the two regions to fade overlap, then probably you made a mistake (maybe you selected a too large fade). in any case, you’ll have to fade separately.

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