This directory contains the output templates used for the old broccoli server status page. ** The broccoli servers are no longer running. You should substitute ** your own server addresses into 'broc.lst'. brocTh.html header template brocTp.html player template brocTs.html server template brocTt.html trailer template broc.lst server list To generate an HTML page for the broccoli servers: qstat -P -f broc.lst -Ts brocTs.html -Th brocTh.html -Tt brocTt.html -Tp brocTp.html -sort g -of qservers.html The HTML output will be put in "qservers.html". I've also included some templates for Unreal/UT. They can be used like this: qstat -P -R -f unreal.lst -Th unrealTh.html -Tp unrealTp.html -Ts unrealTs.html -Tt unrealTt.html -sort g -of unreal.html The HTML output will be put in "unreal.html". qstat -P -R -f tribes2.lst -Th tribes2th.html -Tp tribes2tp.html -Ts tribes2ts.html -Tt tribes2tt.html -sort g -of tribes2.html