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Usage: pl -gif timely.htm Uses the data file timely.dat
// do page title using proc page #proc page pagesize: 8.5 11 #if @DEVICE in gif,png scale: 0.5 #endif title: Timeliness of Problem Resolution, By Center 03-31-99 // do column headers using proc annotate // and proc line #proc annotate location: 1 9.2 textdetails: align=C size=10 text: CENTER #proc line points 0.7 9 1.3 9 #proc annotate location: 1.9 9.75 textdetails: align=C size=10 text: Number of Problems Reported & Resolved #proc line points 1.5 9 2.3 9 // read in data file using proc getdata #proc getdata file: timely.dat // keep only fields 3 and 9 using proc processdata #proc processdata keepfields: 3 9 // define the plotting area and do Y axis using proc areadef #proc areadef rectangle: 2.5 2 7.5 9.0 axes: Y xrange: 0 90 yscaletype: categories ycategories: 01 Sea 02 Alb 06 NY 07 Buf 08 DC 09 Orl 10 Hou 11 Cin 13 Chi 15 Tor 16 LV 18 Mon 19 Rch 20 Nor 21 NO 22 Mai \ All yaxis.stubdetails: align=L adjust=-1.5,0 size=10 yaxis.axisline: yes yaxis.ticlen: 0 yaxis.stubs: usecategories // do an X axis on bottom and top using proc xaxis #proc xaxis grid: color=green label: Number of days #saveas: AX stubs: inc 20 // do a second x axis across the top.. #proc xaxis #clone: AX location: max stubdetails: adjust=0,0.3 labeldetails: adjust=0,0.7 // do rangebar for all clinics using proc rangebar #proc rangebar axis: x barloc: All datafield: 2 mediansym: shape=circle fillcolor=0.2 style=filled radius=0.05 nlocation: 1.9 barwidth: 0.15 nword: N=@@N tailmode: 5/95 textdetails: size=10 #saveas: B #loop #set CEN = $nextstub(2) #if $strlen(@CEN) < 1 #break #endif #proc print label: @CEN // do rangebar for each center using proc rangebar #proc rangebar #clone B select: @@1 = @CEN barloc: @CEN showoutliers: yes #endloop // do annotations at bottom of page using proc annotate #proc annotate location: 1 1.4 textdetails: align=L text: Dot = median. Box = 25th through 75th percentile. Tails = 5th and 95th percentile. Outliers are marked with a circle or asterisk. \ \ Includes only 2-year-contracted centers.