
// Usage: pl -gif supstubs.htm
// Superscripts and subscripts in stubs.
// Available in versions 2.3+...
// Text must be rendered in a monospace font for it to work.
#proc settings
enable_suscripts: yes
// define plotting area using proc areadef
#proc areadef
rectangle: 1 1 4 4
xrange: 1 100000000
xscaletype: log
yrange: 0.000001 1
yscaletype: log
// set up X axis using proc xaxis
#proc xaxis
label: size
labeldetails: adjust=0,-0.1
selflocatingstubs: text
1 1
10 10
100 100
1000 10^3^
10000 10^4^
100000 10^5^
1000000 10^6^
10000000 10^7^
// set up Y axis using proc yaxis
#proc yaxis
label: prob
labeldetails: adjust=-0.2,0
selflocatingstubs: text
0.000001 10^-6^
0.00001 10^-5^
0.0001 10^-4^
0.001 10^-3^
0.01 0.01
0.1 0.1
1 1
#proc line
points: 3(s) 1(s) 3000000(s) 0.000005(s)