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Usage: pl -gif errbar1.htm or for postscript: pl -ps errbar1.htm | lp In this example the means and standard deviations were already calculated, so proc bars is used to render the bars. An alternative is to use proc rangebar with meanmode option to calculate mean & standard deviation and render bars. Categories are used to position bars in X; proc catslide is used to adjust the positioning slightly so that pairs of bars may be displayed for each category.
#set TAILLEN = 0.05 #proc Page: pagesize: 8.5 11 #if @DEVICE in gif,png scale: 0.4 #endif Title: Mean FES Scores For Families in Emergency Shelters vs. Families in Transitional Housing ///////////////////////////// ////// Top Panel ///////////////////////////// ///////// Left bars // specify data for top panel, left of each pair // (must be done before areadef because areadef uses data to set up category names) #Proc Getdata: Data: // E (1-5) //categ n obs mean stdev pval //==== ===== ===== ===== ===== coh 23 37.83 18.66 p<.05 exp 23 42.17 9.00 p<.05 conf 23 54.48 13.67 p>.05 ind 23 42.52 14.71 p>.05 achiev 23 54.48 8.44 p>.05 // set up plot area #Proc Areadef: areaname: 2hi xscaletype: categories xcategories: datafield=1 yrange: 0 100 Xaxis.stubs: text Cohesion Expressiveness Conflict Independence Achievement\nOrientation yaxis.stubs: inc 10 Yaxis.label: Standard Score // do horizontal lines.. #Proc Line linedetails: width=0.4 dashscale=5 notation: locval points: min 50(s) max 50(s) #Proc Line linedetails: width=0.4 dashscale=5 style=1 notation: locval Points: min 40(s) max 40(s) min 60(s) max 60(s) // do centered p values #Proc Scatterplot Xfield: 1 ylocation: 5(s) labelfield: 5 // prepare to do left bars #proc catslide axis: x amount: -0.1 // render points #Proc Scatterplot: Xfield: 1 Yfield: 3 symbol: shape=pixdiamond style=solid color=black radius=0.05 // render bars #Proc bars locfield: 1 lenfield: 3 errbarfields: 4 tails: @TAILLEN ////////// Right bars //////////////// // prepare to do right bars #proc catslide axis: x amount: 0.1 // specify data for right bars #Proc Getdata: // T (1-5) // cat n obs mean stdev //===== ===== ===== ===== Data: coh 39 52.38 15.44 exp 39 48.90 8.94 conf 39 50.90 10.99 ind 39 44.62 9.59 achiev 39 54.92 8.59 // render points #Proc Scatterplot: Xfield: 1 Yfield: 3 symbol: shape=pixsquare style=solid color=black radius=0.05 // render bars #proc bars locfield: 1 lenfield: 3 errbarfields: 4 tails: @TAILLEN ///////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Bottom row ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // specify data for left bars #proc getdata: // E (6-10) //cat n obs mean stdev pval //===== ===== ===== ===== ===== data: int 23 45.78 14.30 p<.05 act 23 45.00 12.30 p>.05 mor 23 53.26 9.11 p<.05 org 23 49.17 10.43 p<.05 con 23 59.48 10.40 p>.05 #proc areadef: areaname: 2lo xscaletype: categories xcategories: datafield 1 yrange: 0 100 #proc xaxis stubs text Intellectual-\nCultural\nOrientation Active-\nRecreational\nOrientation Moral-\nReligious\nEmphasis Organization Control #proc yaxis stubs: inc 10 label: Standard Score // do horiz. lines #Proc line notation: locvalues linedetails: width=0.4 Points: min 50(s) max 50(s) #proc line: notation: locvalues linedetails: style=1 dashscale=5 width=0.4 Points: min 40(s) max 40(s) min 60(s) max 60(s) // do centered P values #Proc Scatterplot Xfield: 1 ylocation: 5(s) labelfield: 5 #proc catslide axis: X amount: -0.1 // render points #Proc Scatterplot: Xfield: 1 Yfield: 3 symbol: shape=pixdiamond style=solid color=black radius=0.05 // render bars #Proc bars locfield: 1 lenfield: 3 errbarfields: 4 tails: @TAILLEN //////////// Right bars #proc catslide axis: x amount: 0.1 #proc getdata: // T (6-10) // cat n obs mean stdev //==== ===== ===== ===== Data: int 39 53.51 9.78 act 39 47.54 11.50 mor 39 58.67 6.34 org 39 55.33 9.86 con 39 56.31 8.97 // render points #Proc Scatterplot: Xfield: 1 Yfield: 3 symbol: shape=pixsquare style=solid color=black radius=0.05 // render bars #proc bars locfield: 1 lenfield: 3 errbarfields: 4 tails: @TAILLEN // Define legend entries explicitly #proc legendentry sampletype: symbol label: Emergency Shelters (N = 23) details: shape=diamond style=filled fillcolor=black radius=0.05 #proc legendentry sampletype: symbol label: Transitional Housing (N = 39) details: shape=square style=filled fillcolor=black radius=0.05 #proc legend: location: 5.5 9