Usage: pl -gif propbars1.htm
//  specify the data using proc getdata
// Each value is an individual percentage.

#proc page
  landscape: yes

#proc getdata
file: dtfut.dat

//  define plotting area using proc areadef
#proc areadef
  title:  Last 10 Wave Scores Over 100
   // titledetails: size=18 align=C adjust=0,0.1 color=black 
  rectangle: 1 1 4 5.5
  xrange: 0 100
  yrange: 0 35

//  do y axis stubs ( score names) using proc yaxis
#proc yaxis
  stubs: datafields 1
  grid: color=powderblue
  axisline: none
  tics: no
//  do x axis stubs (percents) using proc xaxis
#proc xaxis
 stubs: inc 20
 stubformat: %3.0f%%

//  do green bars using proc bars
#proc bars
  horizontalbars: yes
  barwidth: 0.13
  lenfield: 2
  color: green 
   // (.6,.85,.8)
  outline: no
  legendlabel: Long position components (Green)
  #saveas: B

//  do red bars 
// Use stackfields to position bars beyond the first set of bars
#proc bars
  #clone B
  lenfield: 3
  stackfields: 2
  legendlabel: Short position components (Red)
  color: red

//  do legend (1st column) using proc legend
// the noclear attribute must be specified otherwise the entries are removed
// we need to keep them for the 2nd invocation, below..
#proc legend
  location: min+.02 min-0.3
  noclear: yes